Magnus Mwalunyungu

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Magnus Mwalunyungu (born August 25, 1930 in Nsengilindete , † February 13, 2015 in Tosamaganga (Iringa District)) was the Roman Catholic Bishop of Tunduru-Masasi .


Magnus Mwalunyungu was ordained a priest on August 23, 1959 . For many years he was the rector of the seminary in Kipalapala.

Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Tunduru-Masasi on March 30, 1992. He was ordained episcopal by the Archbishop of Dar es Salaam , Laurean Cardinal Rugambwa , on June 25 of the same year; Co- consecrators were Mario Epifanio Abdallah Mgulunde , Archbishop of Tabora , and James Dominic Sangu , Bishop of Mbeya .

On August 25, 2005, Pope Benedict XVI. his resignation request submitted for reasons of age.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tanzia! , Vatican Radio , February 14, 2015 (en)
predecessor Office successor
Polycarp Pengo Bishop of Tunduru-Masasi
Castor Paul Msemwa