Charité / episode list

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This episode list contains all episodes of the German hospital series Charité in the order in which they were first broadcast .

season 1

( total )
( St. )
Original title First broadcast
1 1 compassion March 21, 2017
In the three emperor year 1888, the doctor Emil Behring saved the life of the destitute orphan Ida Lenze with an appendectomy in the Charité hospital in Berlin . Behring applies to Robert Koch , who is working on a cure for tuberculosis . But Paul Ehrlich will get the job . Koch's marriage is over and he begins an affair with the acting debutante Hedwig Freiberg.

With the death of Wilhelm I , his liberal son Friedrich Wilhelm climbs as Friedrich III. the throne . Rudolf Virchow in particular hopes for future reforms. However, only 99 days later, the new emperor dies and Wilhelm II ascends the throne (" Dreikaiserjahr " 1888).

During Ida's recovery, during which she is being cared for by the medical student Georg Tischendorf, she loses her job as a nanny and cannot pay for her treatment costs. So she finally has to work off her debts as an assistant guard at the Charité.

2 2 Sunny weather March 21, 2017
At the same time as Tischendorf, the reserved sister Therese befriends Ida. She suffered from the strict deaconess superior Martha, but discovered her own passion for medicine when she watched and helped medical luminaries such as Rudolf Virchow, Robert Koch, Emil Behring and Paul Ehrlich at work. Tischendorf, who has more of an artistic inclination, is pushed to study medicine by his father.

Ida and Behring have a previous acquaintance. A few years ago she was a "good match" as the daughter of a doctor and was heavily courted by Behring. After the death of her parents, however, Behring left her in the lurch. Behring denies this allegation, and explains that they are even after he has saved their lives. Nevertheless, both are slowly approaching each other again. He allows Ida to secretly hear his lecture, and since women are forbidden to study in Germany, he encourages them to study medicine in Switzerland . He talks about scholarships and his own difficult access to studies. He gives Ida a medicine textbook.

The diphtheria calls as serious childhood illness many victims. The niece of Spinola, the director of the Charité, also falls seriously ill. Behring saves her from death with a tracheotomy . Spinola reciprocates by sponsoring Behring's research on a diphtheria remedy and prompting Koch to include Behring in his research project.

Ida is indirectly accused of wasting tincture of opium (also called laudanum ) because she demands that more painkillers be spent not only to visit the emperor. In fact, it covers Behring, who fights his manic-depressive moods with the drug.

When the imperial couple visited the Charité, the monarch only had Koch's research in mind and forced him to present a cure for tuberculosis at the medical congress. The Emperor's wife, Auguste Viktoria , visits the rest of the clinic, but has no interest in modern methods, but promotes religiosity.

3 3 The Light of the World March 28, 2017
Emil Behring, who has mastered the technique of caesarean section, is supposed to help the heavily pregnant Hedda, the wife of his colleague Paul Ehrlich, with a difficult birth. At first he refuses, because he is under opium withdrawal and cannot operate, but Ida convinces him to undertake the procedure, with which she also successfully assists him. The child does not survive the birth, but Hedda can be saved. Paul Ehrlich is grateful and surprised that the erratic Behring of all people stands by him and his Jewish family in the hour of need. Contrary to his original opinion, he can now imagine a scientific collaboration with him.

At the International Medical Congress, Koch cautiously announces a tuberculosis cure and is frenetically celebrated for it.

Georg Tischendorf, still determined to marry Ida, joins an effective alliance to get his father to agree. In addition to studying photography , he turned to photography , which Ida encouraged him to do. In the drunken euphoria after his first mensur, in which he also received a blow, he makes her a marriage proposal. But Ida does not accept because she cannot choose between him, Behring or a possible medical degree in Switzerland.

4th 4th Miracle cure 4th April 2017
Deaconess Therese, Ida's friend, fell ill with pulmonary tuberculosis . When she can no longer hide the disease, she is supposed to leave the Charité to die in the mother house in Kaiserswerth, 500 kilometers away . Ida and Virchow work successfully to ensure that Therese can stay in an isolation room at the Charité.

Robert Koch tries his tuberculosis cure ( tuberculin ) on himself and falls seriously ill. Ida cannot take care of him adequately and, together with his lover Hedwig, manages to have his wife look after him at home. After Koch's recovery, he tries the remedy on his lover at her request. The reactions are not quite as violent with her.

Behring has since seen the success of his diphtheria serum in rabbits, but the presentation to a specialist audience fails because the infection of the guinea pigs failed due to the low outside temperature.

The terminally ill deaconess Therese was the first patient to receive the tuberculosis cure. Later, deaths slowly show that something is wrong with the remedy. Paul Ehrlich, von Koch's colleague, who had already survived tuberculosis, also fell ill again.

5 5 Götterdämmerung April 11, 2017
The news that there is a tuberculosis cure at the Charité has brought many sick people to Berlin with the hope of a cure. Koch hopes for an economic success in order to divorce his wife for a life together with Hedwig.

However, the number of failures in using the remedy is increasing and Virchow even suspects the harmfulness. Ida doubts whether it was right to treat Sister Therese with the remedy. Therese also dies of the disease. The investigation by Virchow after her death corroborates the suspicion that the tuberculin can even worsen the course of the disease.

When the guard Stine fell ill with diphtheria, Behring's untried diphtheria serum was used. The remedy works and Stine is healed. Not only are administrative director Spinola and his daughter Else impressed, Ida also wants to study medicine now. With this plan, which was socially disapproved for a woman in her time, she also met with incomprehension from Georg.

6th 6th Turning point April 18, 2017
People and animals are exhibited in the Berlin Zoo. “ Hagenbeck's Völkerschau ” shows people from the Indian subcontinent . An Indian woman fell ill with smallpox , a disease that was eradicated by mandatory vaccination in the German Reich, and thus instructive for medical students. Virchow, who did anthropological research, accepts the Indian as a patient. The nurse Stine, who at first sees the patient as a cannibal , takes care of her and stands by her until death.

Koch and Hedwig get married, but isolate themselves as a result of the divorce, which was socially outlawed at the time.

Ehrlich and Behring's work on diphtheria serum falls behind due to Koch's scientific failures and his private isolation. Meanwhile, Behring succeeds in having his serum tested successfully in Leipzig.

Ida turns back to Behring, who doesn't recognize her attempts to get closer. When Virchow finally certifies the effectiveness of his serum and the sale of the formula to Hoechst becomes apparent, Behring breaks out of its lethargy.

After the poor working conditions in the Charité became a public topic in the newspaper, Virchow's mediation led to the establishment of a nursing association, a kind of union for nursing staff. This also means that Matron Martha sees herself withdrawn from her working basis and announces that she will end her service at the Charité. Increasingly, anti-Semitic tendencies make the work of Ehrlich, who is also cheated by Behring for parts of his share in the contract with Hoechst.

More or less involuntarily, Behring has to become engaged to Else, the daughter of Administrative Director Spinola. This is the decisive factor for Ida to take the entrance exam to study medicine in Zurich. Freed from her debts, she can leave the Charité and Berlin.

The three doctors Behring, Koch and Ehrlich later received the Nobel Prize for their work. Behring was also raised to the nobility by the emperor.

season 2

( total )
( St. )
Original title First broadcast
7th 1 Home shot February 12, 2019
Berlin, 1943: The pregnant medical student Anni Waldhausen takes her exams with Ferdinand Sauerbruch , famous surgeon and inventor of an operating technique in which a lower leg can replace a thigh if it cannot be saved. Anni would like to work on her dissertation on the self-mutilation of soldiers after her exams and until the birth of her child, her doctoral supervisor is Max de Crinis , chief physician of psychiatry and Nazi functionary. Her husband Artur is the senior physician in the children's clinic and the designated successor to Professor Georg Bessau . He is released from military service and tries out new drugs on disabled children, so-called " Reich Committee children ", which his wife does not know.

Anni's brother Otto has returned from the front to complete his medical degree. He works as a trainee in surgery and becomes friends with the nurse Martin, who, as a former soldier, quickly understands that Otto's carefree nature is only a play and that Otto is actually deeply traumatized.

Paul Lohmann, patient and former soldier who was treated by Sauerbruch using the new surgical technique, is suspected of having inflicted his gunshot wound himself. Anni would like to interview him as part of her doctoral thesis, which is initially prevented by Sauerbruch's wife Margot, also a doctor. She knows that Lohmann shot himself, but she wants to protect him. However, through the influence of Annis PhD supervisor De Crinis, a psychiatric report is drawn up. Lohmann is threatened with a lawsuit for disrupting military strength. Otto's false statement, which is supposed to exonerate him, doesn't change anything, Lohmann is charged. During an argument between Otto and his sister, who approves of her doctoral supervisor's loyal behavior, she goes into labor and loses blood.

8th 2 Difficult birth February 12, 2019
Anni almost bleeds to death during delivery and her baby has to be reanimated after the birth. She comes into a room with the suicidal Magda Goebbels , who has suffered a miscarriage. While Anni is lovingly cared for by Artur, Goebbels does not show up. Magda Goebbels confesses to Anni that her marriage is just a facade.

Meanwhile, Sauerbruch saves a boy's life and has the support of Professor Adolphe Jung from Strasbourg, who has been forcibly transferred. But Sauerbruch is happy about the competent support. True to the line, sister Christel, who is in love with Otto, finds a White Rose leaflet on the operated boy . Otto can stop her from reporting. Nurse Martin becomes clear that Otto also rejects the regime. Martin has to report to the police regularly about an offense, but he denies this to Otto.

Patients must be taken to the basement during the air raids. The operated boy is actually not transportable, but Otto and Martin bring him down on an improvised stretcher. When a surgical suture opens, he has to undergo emergency surgery. Jung tells Sauerbruch about Thomas Mann's speeches on BBC radio and the killing of the sick mentioned therein. Sauerbruch cannot believe that something like this is happening in the Charité. Nor does he want to know anything about medical experiments on prisoners and the disabled. Meanwhile, Sauerbruch's son Peter is brought in and is visited by Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg . Anni is able to leave the clinic, but then she discovers that her newborn daughter Karin has increased intracranial pressure and the risk of a water head .

9 3 Last hope 26th February 2019
In order not to have to give Karin away and to counter the risk of a water head, Artur secretly punctures the head of his little daughter. Initially with success, the head remains inconspicuous. Meanwhile, Professor Sauerbruch receives a visit from Karl Bonhoeffer , de Crinis' predecessor. Bonhoeffer's son-in-law Hans von Dohnanyi has been arrested and suffered a stroke in prison. Bonhoeffer asks Sauerbruch to take von Dohnanyi under his protection at the Charité. But de Crinis is suspicious and instructs Sister Christel to spy on whether von Dohnanyi is simulated and yet capable of adhesion.

When Karin's brain pressure rises again, Anni and Artur ask Sauerbruch to risk a life-threatening procedure. He operates the little one in secrecy, but is overwhelmed. Jung can finish the operation. After the operation, Artur Sauerbruch asks to keep Karin in the surgery because he knows that she would not be safe in the children's clinic of his line-loyal boss Professor Bessau. Otto tries to explain to his bona fide sister what normally happens to children like Karin. Anni does not believe him at first, but then she discovers in documents about Arthur's experiments that all of his subjects are disabled.

On Christmas Eve 1943, Sauerbruch gave a speech for love and humanity in the medical profession during a small celebration in the large lecture hall. When Silent Night, Holy Night is to be sung, Sister Christel, Professor de Crinis and others agree to a “new” text version in the hall in which the Führer is now remembered. Supporters of the traditional version hold against it.

Otto confesses to Martin that he fell in love with him. Martin reciprocates Otto's feelings, but since he was already conspicuous because of his homosexuality, the two have to be careful.

10 4th Buried 5th March 2019
1944. After the operation, little Karin can go home again. Child nurse Käthe suspects what the operation was really about, but Anni and Artur assert that Karin “only” fell off the changing table. At home, Artur says that he has got new test subjects for his habilitation, but he reacts evasively to Annis's worried questions. De Crinis continues to try to convict von Dohnanyi of simulating. Sauerbruch can, however, put pressure on the psychiatrist, so that he (still) does without an expert opinion.

Dr. Jung and Margot fear that Fritz Kolbe, the lover of Sauerbruch's secretary, is spying on internal clinics. When they catch him photographing documents, they realize that he is actually working against the Nazi regime and smuggling information from the Foreign Ministry and offer their help. When Sauerbruch goes to Switzerland to give a lecture, Margot takes the information and gives it to a contact there. De Crinis, in turn, uses Sauerbruch's absence to bring Dohnanyi and have him picked up.

The bomb victims are increasing in number. Among other things, a woman is admitted who was buried and missing her son. When she realizes that he was probably killed, she falls into apathy. De Crinis suspects “bomb hysteria” and wants the woman to be transported for euthanasia. Otto, who was examined by de Crinis in this case, tells his sister about it, but she doesn't want to know anything about it and talks about enemy propaganda. Then she recognizes the missing son of the woman in an admitted orphan boy and is able to bring the two back together.

Karin's brain pressure rises again. Sister Käthe reports the case to Professor Bessau, who wants to move the little one to a “ children's department ”. Anni and Artur can just prevent that and Professor Bessau agrees to one last attempt at therapy.

11 5 In the underground March 12, 2019
The bombing raids on Berlin are becoming more numerous. For this reason, an operating bunker was built in the Charité courtyard, but it quickly becomes overcrowded and insufficiently equipped.

Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg, who asked Sauerbruch to make his villa available for a meeting with some Wehrmacht officers, returned from North Africa seriously injured. He is a candidate for the "Sauerbruch Hand" and therefore exam patient for Otto's surgery exams. Otto initially has difficulty answering the questions, but in the end he passes his exam.

After Karin's treatment fails, Artur wants to have his daughter relocated without his wife's knowledge. At the last moment Anni can prevent this and hides her daughter from Artur in the attic, but pretends to agree to the transfer to the “children's department”. When Artur learns that Karin has not arrived, he confronts his wife, but she is silent.

After the assassination attempt on Hitler, Sauerbruch is arrested and interrogated. Otto receives his marching orders. Partly out of genuine feelings, partly because she is speculating on a possible war widow's pension, Sister Christel confesses her love for him when she parting, but Otto turns her down. She denounces Martin as a homosexual lover, so that he and Otto are arrested. Martin threatens the concentration camp, while Otto is released if he claims to have been innocently seduced by Martin.

12 6th hour zero 19th March 2019
1945. The Russians are already in town. While Sauerbruch and his staff have to continuously supply bomb victims and soldiers without medicine, water or electricity, Artur and Anni avoid each other. Artur tries to get closer when a Jewish boy is brought in and Artur does not betray him. As a thank you, the boy's father gives him a Star of David that is supposed to identify him as an anti-fascist to the Russians. Artur also helps when Anni wants to get food for little Karin and her brother Otto from the camp.

Anni later brings Karin out of hiding and into the children's clinic. Otto, on the other hand, still has to hide because deserters continue to be betrayed and judged. Even boys from the Volkssturm are still ready to die in order to defend the city to the end. De Crinis, on the other hand, is aware of the end and worries for himself and his wife cyanide. When Magda Goebbels shows up and asks him to give poison for herself and her children, he has to pass.

When the Russians reach the Charité and the bunker, Sauerbruch can protect his employees because the Russians also know him and his skills. The war is over, but Otto is hit by a bullet in a final exchange of fire. He is taken to the bunker by Martin and survives.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Charité (1 + 2) Barmherzigkeit (1) + Kaiserwetter (2) accessed on March 23, 2017.
  2. Charité (1 + 2) Barmherzigkeit (1) + Kaiserwetter (2) accessed on March 23, 2017.
  3. ^ Charité (3) Das Licht der Welt , accessed on April 7, 2017.
  4. Charité (4) Wundermittel , accessed on April 7, 2017 (also available as an audio film).
  5. ^ Charité (5) Götterdämmerung , accessed on April 7, 2017.
  6. Charité (6) turning point , accessed on April 19, 2017.