Charles Baugniet

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Charles Baugniet, portrayed by Louis Gallait in 1837
Charles Dickens, portrayed by Charles Baugniet in 1858

Charles Baugniet (born February 27, 1814 in Brussels , † July 5, 1886 in Sèvres ) was a Belgian painter and lithographer who created almost two thousand portraits.


Charles Baugniet, son of the office manager in the Belgian Ministry of Finance, Charles Joseph Baugniet, received piano and singing lessons from his mother, Alexandrine Baugniet, née Roëlens. Charles had two younger sisters - Adèle and Anna. First, the boy attended a private school run by Jean-François Piré - a friend of his father's - and then an elementary school where only Dutch was spoken. Charles Baugniet liked to draw. The parents encouraged the boy's talent. From 1827 to 1829 he received lessons from Joseph Paelinck at the Brussels Painting Academy . In 1829 his father took him to the Ministry of Finance. Charles Baugniet drew his colleagues. He took up his first attempts at lithography in 1827. After he had published several portraits in the art magazine L'Artiste , encouraged by Hendrik Leys , in 1833 , he rose to one of the most sought-after Belgian lithographers alongside Joseph Schubert (1816–1885), quit his job at the Ministry of Finance and went back to the painting academy. From 1835 to 1842 he portrayed several members of the Belgian Chamber of Deputies together with Louis Huard († 1842) . Huard portrayed only six MPs; Charles Baugniet took care of the rest. In 1836, Baugniet published portraits by contemporary artists - including Louis Jéhotte , Louis Gallait, Nicaise de Keyser , Jean-Baptiste Madou , Eugène Simonis (1810–1882), Charles-Louis Verboeckhoven (1802–1889), Horace Vernet , Paul Delaroche and Hippolyte Bellangé (1800-1866). After Baugniet had drawn a gallery with nineteen Belgian musicians, he was commissioned to make portraits of the Belgian royal family. For this work he became Leopold I's court painter (French: dessinateur du Roi ) in 1841 .

In 1843 he moved to London and became a famous portraitist there. In 1851 he portrayed Prince Albert . Charles Dickens and Hector Berlioz also took pictures in England .

Based on a design by Charles Baugniet, the first Belgian postage stamp came into circulation on July 1, 1849. It showed Leopold I after a portrait by Lievin de Winne .

At the beginning of the second half of the 19th century, many a lithographer became a photographer. Charles Baugniet did not follow this trend of the times. He went to Paris in 1860 and from then on painted oil paintings - successfully illustrating the elegant world of the Second Empire . In addition to the Belgians Alfred Stevens and Florent Willems , he was recognized in this sector - as can be seen in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts in Brussels - and also in demand with customers from the United States .

Charles Baugniet married Antoinette Hony in 1844.


Web links

Commons : Charles Baugniet  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Adèle Baugniet remained single. Anna Baugniet married the officer Jean-Baptiste Liagre (1815-1891) in 1841 , who was Belgian Minister of War in 1879/80.