Charles de Seyssel

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Charles de Seyssel (* before 1460 at Meillonnas Castle ; † April 1513 in Moirans ) was bishop of Geneva from 1509 to 1513 .


He comes from a noble Savoy family. His parents were Philibert de Seyssel, Lord of Aix-les-Bains and Bonne de La Chambre. He joined the Antonites in Chambéry , in 1483 he became the preceptor of those who came there. Charles, who was Apostolic Protonotary and Familiar of Pope Sixtus IV , received the hospice of Villeneuve and the parish of Montreux in 1481 .

In 1490 he was elected by the Geneva Cathedral Chapter to succeed the late Bishop Francis of Savoy , but the election was not confirmed by Pope Innocent VIII . Antoine Champion, supported by Savoy, became bishop . Charles' re-election as Bishop of Geneva after the resignation of Philip of Savoy was confirmed by Pope Julius II on November 5, 1519 , and the ceremonial entry into Geneva took place on June 2, 1510.

Charles supported the Geneva citizenship against Duke Charles III. of Savoy, who tried to expand his influence in Geneva. On his way back from a pilgrimage to Notre-Dame du Puy-en-Velay, he fell ill and died in Moirans in April 1513 . He was buried in the Church of the Antonites in Chambéry.


  • Louis Binz: Les évêques du diocèse de Genève (verse 400–1543). In: Louis Binz, Jean Emery, Catherine Santschi: Le diocèse de Genève. L'archidiocèse de Vienne en Dauphiné (= Helvetia Sacra . Dept. I / 3). Bern 1980, pp. 100-111.
  • Louis Binz: Seyssel, Charles de. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . December 28, 2010 , accessed January 4, 2018 .
  • Marc de Seyssel-Cressieu: La maison de Seyssel: ses origines, sa généalogie, son histoire d'après les documents originaux. Volume 1. Allier frères, Grenoble 1900, pp. 93-97 (French, online at Gallica [accessed January 4, 2018]).
predecessor Office successor
Philip of Savoy Bishop of Geneva
John of Savoy