Christa Koinig

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Christa Koinig (born December 18, 1945 in Steyr ) is an Austrian author , cultural manager , puppeteer .

Training and work

In 1970 she and friends founded the Linz Puppet Theater (1st Linz Puppet Theater), which she also runs in her pension . She plays, writes the stories and makes the sets and dolls herself. In 2002 she set up the Europuppets Puppengalerie, a collection of theater puppets and marionettes from all over the world. From 1989 to 2009 she was the director of the Kuddelmuddel children's cultural center (including the children's theater , Linz puppet theater, children's cinema, children's and youth library).

In 1998 she established the Kinderklangwolke and was responsible for its implementation eight times. She was twice able to win the songwriter Konstantin Wecker for this major event. She accompanied him on tours with the pieces Raben Mother and Cuckoo Child and The Children in the Mirror .

She provided concepts for children's parties, children's and youth book days. Their stories for children formed the basis for the eared bear broadcasts on Radio Upper Austria .

Koinig is married, has one daughter and lives in Michaelnbach . In local politics she was active in the SPÖ . She is self-taught in the artistic field . After graduating from the Linz Commercial Academy , she worked for what is now Linz AG .


Her works include children's musicals and children's songs . She also made countless designer dolls, theater dolls, sculptures and stage sets. She wrote children's theater pieces for the Linz puppet theater, the children's theater and theater in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, scripts for children's television programs , children 's radio plays for ORF Radio Upper Austria and contributions to cultural magazines.

Musicals as part of the Kinderklangwolke (direction and text)
  • Wiff Enzenhofer : KlangSchlange, 1998
  • Reinhold Huemer : A House for Attila, 1999
  • Reinhold Huemer: Fire-Water-Earth-Air, (2000)
  • The rainbow dragon, 2001
  • Robert Höfler : The Castle of the Goblins, 2003
  • Christian Suchy : Ätsch - a happy mask game, 2005
  • Konstantin Wecker : Raven Mother and Cuckoo Child , world premiere September 15, 2007, Kinderklangwolke Donaupark Linz, self-published CD
  • Konstantin Wecker: The children in the mirror , world premiere on September 12, 2009, Kinderklangwolke Donaupark Linz

Awards (selection)

Awards from the state of Upper Austria
Awards from the city of Linz
  • Culture Medal of the City of Linz (1987)
  • Honorary award for integrative child and youth work (2000)
  • Silver witch's broom on a golden ribbon (2010)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Musicals , in: Konstantin Wecker's website
  2. Silver witch's broom on the golden ribbon to Christa Koinig , in: Web presence of the city of Linz
  3. DVD on the Kinderklangwolke 2009 ( memento of the original from March 18, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /