Christian Gottfried Lorsch

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Christian Gottfried Lorsch (born September 11, 1773 in Nuremberg ; † February 19, 1830 there ) was the first civil first mayor of Nuremberg from 1818 to 1821 after the transition to the Kingdom of Bavaria .

Dr. jur. Lorsch worked as a lawyer in the city from 1796 and in 1801 became a member of the "City Council" (so-called "named"). After a civil administration and a magistrate had been set up on the basis of the " community edict " of the Bavarian King Maximilian I , he was elected "First Mayor" on September 26, 1818 . In the new election in 1821 he failed, but became a member of the "College of Community Plenipotentiaries" (comparable to today's city council).

Together with Johannes Scharrer , he founded the Sparkasse in Nuremberg in 1821 . A street in the Nuremberg district of Gleißhammer is named after him.

See also