Christian Heinrich Schmid

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Christian Heinrich Schmid (born November 24, 1746 in Eisleben , † July 22, 1800 in Gießen ) was a German legal scholar, literary scholar and rhetorician.


The son of the mountain commissioner Johann Christian Schmid and his wife Christiane Friderike († March 18, 1759 in Eisleben), the only daughter of the mayor of Eisleben Christian Ferdinand Wappendeusch, lost his mother at the age of thirteen. Therefore, his maternal grandmother, court councilor Sophie Friedericke Wiesner (née Stiegleder), took over the upbringing of the children. A fourteen-year-old brother died in 1765. His brothers also included the Thuringian mountain bailiff Ernst Rudolph Wilhelm Schmid (* 1753; † June 5, 1795 in Stolberg) and Karl Ferdinand Schmid , professor of ethics and associate professor of natural and international law in Wittenberg.

Educated by his father, he subsequently had several private tutors and attended high school in Eisleben. On the advice of his maternal step-grandfather, Hofrat Johann Heinrich Wiesener, he began studying law at the University of Leipzig in 1762 . However, due to his youth, he first dealt with the philosophical sciences. His teachers were Johann Heinrich Winckler in physics, Johann Gottlob Böhme in history, Gottfried Heinsius and Georg Heinrich Borz in mathematics. Daniel Gottlob Rudolph (1726–1768) explained the ancient writers to him, Johann August Ernesti the ancient sciences and Christian Fürchtegott Gellert the beautiful sciences. Under that guidance, he obtained the degree of Master of Philosophy in 1766 . During this time he made friends with the poet Johann Benjamin Michaelis .

In addition, he also attended the legal lectures with Ferdinand August Hommel , Johann Gottfried Sammet (1719–1796), Christian Heinrich Breuning , Georg Stephan Wiesand , Johann Ludwig Conradi , Friedrich Gottlieb Zoller and Christian Heinrich Wilke (1722–1776) in order to comply with the request to become a good lawyer of his father. A short stay led him to Jena, where he met Friedrich Just Riedel (1742–1785) and Heinrich Christian Boie, among others . In 1768 he became a candidate at the law faculty of the University of Erfurt , where he received his doctorate in law in 1769, and in the same year he became an associate professor of law, but without a salary.

Since he was offered a full professorship in rhetoric and poetry at the University of Giessen in 1774 , which was also financially endowed, he moved there in the same year. On December 17, 1784 he was appointed to the Hessian-Darmstadt government councilor. He took over on January 6, 1787 the function of deputy librarian of the university library and 1790 the function of the leading librarian of the same.

In 1774 he married Sophie Christiane Susanne, the eldest daughter of the pastor in Miechelrieth Johann Christoph Schulz, a sister of the Giessen superintendent Schulz. The daughter Theodore Henriette Johanne Sophie emerged from this marriage on March 12, 1784.

Works (selection)

Schmid had left a large number of specialist articles in the specialist literary journals of his time. Otherwise he appeared as a comedy author, lexicographer and poet connoisseur.

  • D. Simonides, s. de theologia poëtarum. Leipzig 1767
  • Steeles comedies, from the English. Leipzig 1767
  • Sir fantastic, or it cannot be. a comedy from the English by J. Crown. Bremen 1767
  • Theory of poetry according to the latest principles and news from the best poets, according to the accepted judgments. Leipzig 1767
  • Additions to the theory of poetry and news from the best poets. 1-4 Leipzig Collection 1768, 1769
  • Johann Christian Rost mixed poems. Dresden (Halle) 1768, Leipzig 1770
  • Diss. (Pro Lic. Jur.) De Ulpio Marcello (subpraes. Joh. Gottli. Segeri). Leipzig 1768
  • English theater. 1. Part Leipzig 1769, 2. u. 3rd part Leipzig 1770, 4th part Leipzig 1771, 5th part Danzig 1773, 6th part Danzig 1776, 7th part Danzig a. Leipzig 1777
  • Biography of the poet. 1st part Leipzig 1769, 2nd part Leipzig 1770
  • Diss. Inaug (pro. Gr. Dr.) de lege Ateria Tarpeia. Leipzig 1769
  • The parody. a comedy. Leipzig 1769
  • The rhyme addiction. a comedy, from the French by Piron. Bremen 1769
  • Anthology of Germans. 1st part Leipzig 1770, 2nd part Leipzig 1771, 3rd part Leipzig 1772
  • Almanac of the German Muses, for the years 1770-1781. Leipzig 1781
  • British Museum, or contributions to enjoyable reading. translated from English. 1-3. Part of Leipzig 1770–1771
  • Fayel. Leipzig 1771
  • Apparitions. Giessen 1771
  • The ground floor. Erfurt 1771
  • Progr. (Per. Munere Profess.) De carminum genetibus mixtis. Giessen 1771
  • Progr. De poesi epigrammatico - epica. Giessen 1771
  • Progr. De poesi epigrammatico - pastoritis. Casting 1772
  • Progr. De poesi epigrammatico - lyrica. Casting 1772
  • Progr. De poesi epigrammatico –elegiaca. Casting 1772
  • Characteristics of the most distinguished European nations. Leipzig 1772
  • Theater Chronicle. 1st piece of casting 1772
  • About some of the beauties of Emilia Galotti. Leipzig 1773
  • Paperback for poets and poet friends. 1. Dept. Leipzig 1773, 2. u. 3rd Dept. Leipzig 1774, 4th and 5th Dept. Leipzig 1775, 6th Dept. Leipzig 1776, 7th and 8th Dept. Leipzig 1777, 9th and 10th Dept. 1778, 11th Dept. Leipzig 1779, 12th department Leipzig 1780
  • Progr. De Jurisconsulto aesthetico. Casting 1773
  • Progr. Quo duae in Aeneida Virgiliana observationes proponutur. Casting 1773
  • About Götz von Berlichingen. A dramaturgical treatise. Weygand, Leipzig 1774
  • Progr. De comparandis ortibus nonullis elegantioribus nondum compatris. Casting 1775
  • Chronology of the German theater. Leipzig 1775
  • Want. Richardson on Shakespeare's most important characters. Leipzig 1775
  • Life of Johann Benjamin Michaelis. Frankfurt / M. 1775
  • Literature of poetry. 1st part Leipzig 1775
  • Life description of the Roman poets, by Ludwig Crusius. 1st vol. Halle 1777, 2nd vol. Ibid. 1778
  • Touching stories translated from poets. Leipzig u. Frankfurt / M. 1778
  • Theater speeches. Casting 1778
  • Prize of Justice and Philanthropy, by the author of the Henriade. Leipzig 1778
  • J. Aikin's experiment on the application of natural philosophy to poetry. Leipzig 1779
  • D. de Boissy on the morality of the theater. Hall 1780
  • Friderike. Gotha 1780
  • Joh. Benjam. Michaeli's poetic works. Casting 1780
  • The mute girl. Erlangen 1781
  • Instructions of the most distinguished books in all parts of poetry. Leipzig 1781
  • Outline of scholarship for encyclopedic lectures. Berlin 1783
  • Nekrolog, or news of the life and writings of the most distinguished deceased German poets. Berlin 1785
  • To talk in Latin about a privilege. Casting 1786
  • Commentary on Horace's Odes. Leipzig 1789
  • Progr. In verba Ovidii: est aliquid, fatale malum per verba lenare; ad aud. Orat. Fun. In obit. Imp. Josephi II. Giessen 1790
  • Clarisse, or the story of a young woman. Mannheim 1790
  • Program illustrat. Virg. Aeneid. IX, 486: nes te tua funera mater prodoxi, continens, ad aud. Orat. Fun. In obit. Imperate. Leopoldi II. Giessen 1792
  • Program illustrat. Horat. Satyr. Lib. I, v. 64-101. Giessen 1792


Web links

Wikisource: Christian Heinrich Schmid  - Sources and full texts