Christian Lupus

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Christian Lupus , also Christian de Wulf (born June 17, 1611 or July 23, 1612 in Ypres , † July 10, 1681 in Leuven ) was a Roman Catholic theologian , Augustinian hermit and university professor .


Lupus was trained in the humaniora at the Jesuit college in his hometown and then entered the Augustinian order in Ypres in 1628. His religious profession took place on April 18, 1629. He then studied philosophy in Ghent until 1631 and theology at the University of Leuven from 1631 to 1635 . In the years 1634 to 1637 he appeared in Brussels with philosophical lectures. In 1640 he came to Cologne as a lecturer in philosophy before he was transferred to Leuven in 1642 as a lecturer in theology. At the University of Leuven on March 8, 1642 his doctorate to Lic. Theol. Due to his proximity to Jansenism , he was temporarily removed from teaching in 1645.

Lupus first returned to the Augustinian monastery in his hometown and then went to the monastery in Douai. He devoted himself mainly to his historical studies, for which he also enjoyed recognition in Rome. 1652 he returned to the University of Leuven back, was on February 4, 1653 to the doctor of theology doctorate , but still looked suspicions and hostilities suspended, although he distanced himself by the required oath of the doctrine of Jansenius. Accordingly, he went to Rome in 1655 at the invitation of the order general. There he refuted Jansenism through his writings on church history.

Lupus was accepted as a full professor of theology at the theological faculty of the University of Löwen on December 12, 1662, after he had acted as the Pope's messenger . He held the office of dean four times . In 1676 the provincial chapter elected him provincial .

Works (selection)

  • Synodorum generalium ac provincialium decreta et canones scholiis, notis ac historica actorum dissertatione illustrati , volumes 1 and 2, Maius, Löwen 1665, volumes 3 to 5, Brussels 1673.
  • Divinum ... S.Petri ... circa omnium ... fidelium ad Romanam eius cathedram appellationes, adversum profanas hodie vocum novitates assertum privilegium Mainz 1681.
  • Opera collecta , 7 volumes, Venice 1724–1727 and supplementary volume, Bologna 1742.


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