Chromis agilis

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Chromis agilis
Chromis agilis.jpg

Chromis agilis

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
incertae sedis
Family : Damselfish (Pomacentridae)
Genre : Chromis
Type : Chromis agilis
Scientific name
Chromis agilis
Smith , 1960

Chromis agilis is a species of damselfish from the tropical Indo-Pacific. It occurs mainly on the coasts of oceanic islands. The exact distribution area ranges from East Africa to Hawaii and Pitcairn , north to the Japanese Ogasawara Islands and south to New Caledonia and the northern Great Barrier Reef . In between, the species has been found in the Seychelles , the Maldives , the Coral Sea , Fiji , the Cook Islands , the Austral Islands , the Society Islands , Tuamotu , Minami-Torishima , Palau , Wake , the Mariana Islands , the Marshall Islands and the Johnston Atoll .


Chromis agilis becomes 7.5 cm long and has a golden brown basic color. The underside of the head and the chest have a rosy shimmer. A dark spot at the base of the pectoral fins distinguishes the species from all other Chromis species. The body length is 1.7 to 1.9 times the body height. The dorsal fin is supported by 12 hard rays and 12 to 14 soft rays. In the anal fin there are 2 hard and 12 to 14 soft rays and in the pectoral fins 17 or 18 soft rays. The number of lateral line scales is 15 to 17. The bright caudal fin is deeply forked.

Way of life

The fish live in small groups at depths of 3 to 65 meters in lagoons and outer reefs, usually near caves and crevices in the reef rock or over branching hard corals . They feed on zooplankton . Pairs form for reproduction. The eggs clinging to rocks are cared for and guarded by the male until the young fish hatch.


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