Clemente Inofuentes Guisbert

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Clemente Inofuentes Guisbert (* 1900 in Yungas , † January 18, 1959 in Bonn ) was a Bolivian military and diplomat .


Clemente Inofuentes Quisbert was the son of a farmer . He married Dora Peix de Inofuentes, their children were Jorge Enrique Inofuentes Peix and María Teresa Inofuentes Peix. He joined the Colegio Militar de Bolivia in 1927 .

In December 1928, Clemente Inofuentes Quisbert was under President Daniel Salamanca Urey , non-commissioned officer of the Bolivian troops that occupied Fortin Boquerón in the Boquerón department . This could be defended at the beginning of the Chaco War from 7th to 28th September 1932. While he was a prisoner of war, Inofuentes managed to hide a Bolivian war flag in his boot from the attack of the Paraguayan troops.

Funeral service for Guisbert Infuentes
Funeral service in Bonn-Plittersdorf for Guisbert Infuentes

In 1934, as a prisoner of war, he was one of the founding members of the Razon de Patria secret lodge (RADEPA). RADEPA had significant influence on the governments in Bolivia. Inofuentes Quisbert was elected Vice-President of the Republic of Bolivia by the Constituent Assembly on November 16, 1944, when RAPEDA did not agree to this election, the Constituent Assembly voted against Inofuentes and left the election to Colonel Gualberto Villarroel López , who appointed Julian V. Montellano Carrasco as Vice-President and Victor Manuel Andrade Uzquiano was appointed foreign minister in his cabinet.

In July 1946 the Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario tried to occupy the city of Villazón from La Quiaca in Argentina . This attempt failed because the authorities in Bolivia were informed and the vanguard had already been arrested, whereupon Víctor Paz Estenssoro and Clemente Inofuente left for Buenos Aires . In the following period of exile Inofuentes was the military adviser to Víctor Paz Estenssoro. When Paz Estenssoro became president in 1952, Inofuentes was promoted to colonel and headed the Dirección General de Estudios y Planificación del Ejército . This coordinated pioneering work in creating roads and wells, tasks that in the 1960s, the Civic Action of the Alliance for Progress completed. In 1953 his articles appeared regularly in the Revista Militar . In 1955, Clemente Inofuente was an attaché at the embassy in Rio de Janeiro and maintained contacts with the Falange Socialista Boliviana . Inofuentes was a partner in Bras - Andes SA Comércio e Indústria , founded on December 5, 1955 in Rio de Janeiro , which deals with the import of tin ore, lead, copper, zinc, tungsten and rubber products and the export of shoes, textiles and sugar and cotton dealt.

In 1956 Hernán Siles Zuazo replaced Víctor Paz Estenssoro as president and in 1957 Hernán Siles Zuazo had Clemente Inofuente replaced as head of the general staff, whereupon 178 officers of the La Paz garrison, the Cuartel General de Miraflores and another 150 officers in Bolivia offered to resign. On January 9, 1958, Inofuentes visited US Ambassador Philip Bonsal in La Paz and presented the army in contrast to the militias as a guarantee of stability. On January 24, 1958, the daily newspaper La Nacion reported that the government had succeeded in a coup To expose officers. They tried to carry out an assassination attempt against the life of Hernán Siles Zuazo, the plot was led by General Clemente Inofuentes. He was then sent to Bonn via Chile as an ambassador .


After a short stay in Bonn he passed away in 1959. A condolence telegram reads:

“On the demise of your esteemed Ambassador, Your Excellency General Clemente Inofuents Guisbert, I extend my sincere condolences to Your Excellency. The sudden passing of this man, who always endeavored to deepen friendship between our countries, means a painful loss for us ”

- Condolence telegram Theodor Heuss Bulletin of the Press and Information Office of the Federal Government , 1959, p. 290

The Press and Information Office said the telegram had been sent to President Victor Andrade Usquianoan. Victor Andrade was the foreign minister.


On July 3, 1964, Clemente Inofuentes was posthumously awarded the title of Benemerito de la Patria .

Individual evidence

  1. ABC (Spain) , September 13, 1929, Bolivia restituirá a Paraguay el fortín del Boquerón occupado en diciembre.
  2. ^ El Diario (Bolivia) , 23 September 2003, 28 de septiembre de 2003, A 71 años de la caída del fortín
  3. Margarete Payer, Chronicle of Bolivia Part 2, From the Chaco War 1932 to 1937.
  4. Victor Paz Estenssoro (PDF file; 344 kB) Chapter 2. THE VILLARROEL YEARS AND EXILE 60, Argentina, p. 60.
  5. 31- Correspondance diverse de la gauche du MNR, Correspondance sur les activités de conspiration du FSB au Brésil et instructions transmises à l'ambassadeur de Bolivie au Brésil provenant de l'attaché militaire Coronel Clemente Inofuentes. (1955). 32- Correspondance de Clemente Inofuetes à Paz Estenssoro (1955) et à l'Ambassadeur de Bolivie au Brésil, documents sur activités diverses et informations politiques des boliviens au Brésil, declarations d'Efraín Barbery. Organization des brigades de la police bolivienne à Potosí (1952): according to Rosa Olmos, Bibliothèque de documentation internationale contemporaine , INVENTAIRE (PDF file; 605 kB), FONDS MOVIMIENTO NACIONALISTA REVOLUCIONARIO, MNR - BOLIVIE, Nanterre, 2001, p. 37.
  6. Philip Bonsal, La Paz, January 9, 1958, Views of General Clemente Inofuentes Regarding Bolivian Situation ( Memento of the original from August 14, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF file; 981 kB), Conf. Memo, DOS, 724.00 / 1-968, CSDF, NA, p. 42. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. ^ Bulletin of the Press and Information Office of the Federal Government , Deutscher Bundes-Verlag, 1959, p. 290.
predecessor Office successor
Armando Gortún Sanjinés Bolivian Chief of Staff
Miguel Ayllón
Augusto Cuadros Sánchez Bolivian ambassador in Bonn
Guillermo Alborta Velasco