Conrad Fehr

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Conrad Heinrich Franz Fehr (born November 19, 1854 in Toftlund , Hadersleben district / Duchy of Schleswig , † June 22, 1933 in Berlin ) was a Danish-German painter, graphic artist and sculptor.


Conrad Fehr was born in Toftlund in the German-Danish border area in 1854 as the son of the economist Jes Richter Fehr and his wife Jørgine Adelheide Mathilde, nee. Nilsen borrowing. Fehr studied from 1877 to 1881 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich under Professors Gyula Benczúr , Alois Gabl , A. Wagner and Ludwig von Löfftz . Long study trips to Holland, Belgium, Denmark and Paris followed. From 1882 he lived in Berlin, where he taught at the drawing school of the Association of Berlin Women Artists from 1885 .

In 1892 he founded an academic school for fine arts, the "Akademie Fehr" as an alternative to the Berlin Academy of Arts . At the facility that existed until 1912, u. a. also Walter Leistikow , Adolf Brütt and Karl Storch the Elder. Ä. Fehr made his debut as a sculptor in 1896 at the Great Berlin Art Exhibition , where he was a regular guest as a painter after completing his teaching activities. In 1884 he received a bronze medal in London. After the First World War he spent a long time in Copenhagen, where he carried out various portraits.

Conrad Fehr made a name for himself primarily as a teacher at his academy, but his genre paintings and religious scenes as well as the numerous portraits and landscapes show him as a remarkable artist.

Student (selection)

Works (selection)



Web links

Commons : Conrad Fehr  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. matrikel 03462, 1877 AdBK Munich, accessed on November 21, 2016
  2. ^ Fehr, Conrad . In: Berliner Adreßbuch , 1885, part 1, p. 225. “Portr. Painter, Kurfürstendamm 142. III. ”.
  3. ^ Fehr, Conrad . In: Berliner Adreßbuch , 1895, part 1, p. 293. “Bildniß- u. History painter, head of the akad. School of Fine Arts. (Private academy for women and men) W Lützowstr. 82nd office Mornings except Sunday. Residential Friedenau, Fregestr. 5. “(address of the apartment until 1933).
  4. ^ Brigitte Roßbeck : Franz Marc. The dreams and the life - biography. Siedler Verlag, Munich 2015, ISBN 978-3-88680-982-0 , note 180/181 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  5. a b c d e f g h illustrations, museum portal of the museums Schleswig-Holstein & Hamburg
  6. Illustration in: Directory of the works of living artists at the exhibition of the Royal Academy of Arts in Berlin , 1884, p. 33
  7. ^ Illustration, Humboldt University in Berlin , art collection
  8. Illustration, exhibition of watercolors, pastel paintings and hand drawings in Dresden from August 14 to September 25, 1887 in the rooms of the Königl. Polytechnic
  9. ^ Illustration, Hermann Historica auction house, Munich