Alois Gabl

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Alois Gabl

Alois Gabl (born September 24, 1845 in Wenns near St. Leonhard in the Tyrolean Pitztal ; † March 2, 1893 in Munich ) was an Austrian painter and draftsman .


After only a brief visit to school, Gabl earned a living in his uncle's business. Since he could not afford private lessons hardly tried Gabl, the drawing autodidact teach. When the Prince-Bishop of Brixen Vinzenz Gasser noticed him, Gabl suspended a grant of 100 guilders a year.

In 1862, at the age of 17, Gabl was able to attend the art academy in Munich. His teachers were there a. a. Johann von Schraudolph , Arthur von Ramberg and Karl Theodor von Piloty . According to his patron's wish , Gabl was to receive special training in church painting from Schraudolph . Gabl later switched to Ramberg and then to Piloty, as history and genre painting appealed to him much more.

According to his own admission, the compatriots and painters Franz Defregger and Mathias Schmid had a great influence on him. Gabl even took Defregger's picture Speckbacher as a model for his picture Haspinger, cheering the Tyroleans on to battle ; With this work Gabl caused a sensation in 1872 on the occasion of an exhibition in Vienna .

At the age of 33, the art academy in Munich appointed Gabl professor and entrusted him with a teaching position . But as early as 1882 Gabl had to resign from office due to illness. No longer in control of himself due to his depression and nervous disorders, Gabl tried to kill himself during a stay in his Tyrolean homeland.

Gabl lived the rest of his life in Munich, only interrupted by several hospital and spa stays. During this time hardly any paintings were made and very few drawings can be dated to this time.

At the age of 47, the painter Alois Gabl killed himself on March 2, 1893 in Munich. The exact time of death cannot be determined ( Thieme-Becker mentions February 27, 1893), as the body was not found until March 4, 1893.

Even if Gabl's entire artistic work is not considered to be very extensive, it was widely used. Many magazines and newspapers such as Die Gartenlaube or the Leipziger Illustrirte Zeitung illustrated their editions with wood engravings based on Gabl's pictures.

While pure joy of color still dominated in Gabl's early work, this was later abandoned in favor of the effects of light and shadow. Thematically, Gabl's work ranges from historical pictures with an almost political message to nice genre pictures and pleasing portraits ; the latter, however, were probably mostly commissioned work.

Works (selection)

  • Recruiting in Tyrol (1873)
  • Consecration of the bridal bed (1875)
  • The forbidden dance music
  • Reverend as Arbiter (1876)
  • The sewing machine rehearsal (1878)
  • In the hallway of a Munich beer house
  • The vaccination room
  • The three wise men (1883)
  • Haspinger cheering the Tyroleans on to fight (1872)


Commons : Alois Gabl  - Collection of images, videos and audio files