Conrad Hoff

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Conrad Hoff (born November 19, 1816 in Schwerin , † February 18, 1883 in Munich ) was a German painter .


Genre painting dominated Hoff's early works , but later switched to theater painting . He began to be trained as a painter at the art academy in Dresden . Without a scholarship or other allowance, he had to leave the academy again after a short time.

In order to earn a living, Hoff worked partly as an illustrator for book publishers and hired himself out for various commissioned works and the like. a. in Wroclaw , Cracow , Warsaw and Vienna . From there he went on a study trip to Venice , where he created a large number of sketches, which later formed the basis of his paintings.

After his return to Germany he settled in Munich as a freelance painter. He achieved his excellent reputation with the public as well as with official art criticism mainly through his architectural pieces , the motifs of which he found with preference in the rococo buildings and in the popular life of Italian cities. Hoff attached great importance to the elaboration of the exact perspective .

A quarter of a year after his 66th birthday, Conrad Hoff died on February 18, 1883 in Munich.

Works (selection)

  • Rococo room (1860)
  • Renaissance chamber decorated with a woman who wrote (1860)
  • Sacristy (1861)
  • Staircase in Schleissheim Palace (1862)
  • Cardinal's room (1862)
  • Part from San Zeno in Verona (1864)
  • San Miracoli in Venice by moonlight (1864)
  • In the basilica on the island of Torcello near Venice (1865)
  • Scuola San Rocco in Venice (1867)
  • Santa Maria della Salute in Venice (1867)
  • Bedchamber in Schleissheim Palace (1867)
  • Interior of the Munich Frauenkirche (1860)
  • Peace
