Dawid Binemann-Zdanowicz

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Dawid Binemann-Zdanowicz (born November 14, 1949 ) is a Polish lawyer and social activist, legal scholar, member of the highest authorities of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in the Republic of Poland , publicist, author of scientific and popular science publications, author and university lecturer.


Binemann-Zdanowicz was born into an intellectual family in Soviet captivity in what is now northern Kazakhstan . Due to Soviet reprisals, he lost his parents at an early age. He graduated from high school as a resident of a children's home in Poland. He studied law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków . After completing his studies, he completed his legal clerkship at the Public Prosecutor's Office in Toruń , after which he worked at the Polish Academy of Sciences and at the Institute for Crime Problems ( Instytut Problematyki Przestępczości ) in Warsaw.

In 1979 he was entered in the list of lawyers of the Toruń District Bar Association .

Dawid Binemann-Zdanowicz

He runs a law firm in Włocławek and Warsaw . From 1986–1995 he worked as a lawyer specializing in army law before the Court of Justice of the Pomeranian Military District in Bydgoszcz .

Dawid Binemann-Zdanowicz comes from a German-Polish family and actively supports German-Polish reconciliation and the ecumenical movement in the interests of the unity of all Christians. He is an active member of the Polish Society "Mission for Reconciliation" and was awarded the Komandoria "Missio Reconciliationis" for his services. He is a member of the Evangelical Augsburg Church Community in Toruń and was chairman of the Polish Evangelical Society in Toruń for many years.

From 1997-2012 he was a member of the Synod of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in the Republic of Poland as well as a member of the Legal Commission of the Synod, curator of the diocese of Pomerania-Greater Poland of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church and Deputy Council Chairman of the Synod of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in the Republic of Poland. Since 2007 he has been chairman of the history commission of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church, which examines the past of the church in the era of totalitarianism . In many cases he represented the Evangelical-Augsburg Church of the Republic of Poland at the international level, at synods and at international scientific conferences [8], [9], [10], [11], [12] .

In addition to his professional activity, he also deals with the subject of state church law , in particular the constitution of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in Poland and the restitution of Protestant assets after the end of communism in Poland . He represents the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in the Republic of Poland in the work of the Regulation Commission of the Ministry of Administration and Digitization of the Republic of Poland, and since November 16, 2015 the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration (MSWiA) in Warsaw. By virtue of the decision of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw on September 23, 2019, he obtained the academic doctoral degree in social sciences in the discipline of law, based on the doctoral thesis he defended entitled Establishing the legal status of real estate of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in the Third Polish Republic . Dawid Binemann-Zdanowicz works as an adjunct at the Kujawien University in Włocławek.

Dawid Binemann-Zdanowicz combines his legal work with literary and journalistic activities. He is the author of a novel and numerous feature articles as well as specialist articles in the field of journalism, law and history. Emotionally connected to the Ciechocinek spa , he was for many years the deputy chairman of the Society of Friends of Ciechocinek. He is a member of the Polish Association of Siberian Victims, Legal Advisor to the Board of Directors of the Association of Combatants of the Republic of Poland and a former political prisoner in Warsaw.

Dawid Binemann-Zdanowicz is married, his wife Teresa is a retired notary. He has an adult son, a computer scientist who received his doctorate from Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. Hobbies: tourism and water sports. Organizer of numerous canoe tours along the Vistula and the Pomeranian rivers. In the 1980s he was an active member of the marine yacht club “Kotwica” in Gdynia.

Individual evidence

  1. Dawid Binemann-Zdanowicz . Ksiegarnia.beck.pl (Polish, beck.pl [accessed October 28, 2019]).
  2. Dawid Binemann-Zdanowicz: Historical and legal aspects of the acquisition of the Lutheran operating in the Second Polish Republic and Evangelical Uniate Churches in the Evangelical Augsburg Church in the Republic of Poland (Historyczno-prawne aspekty włączenia działających w II RP Kościołów ewangelickich konfesji luterańskiej i ewangelicko- unijnej do Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) . In: Gdański Rocznik Ewangelicki . vol. XI. Gdańsk 2017, p. 70-87 .
  3. Dawid Binemann-Zdanowicz; Michał Hucał; Artur Jakubanis; Jakub Kabza; Roman Pracki; prof. dr got Arkadiusz Sobczyk; Ewa Śliwka; Rafał Tarnogórski: Laws of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church - Commentary (Prawo Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego - Komentarz) . Ed .: Jakub Cebula. Wydawnictwo CH Beck, 2017.
  4. Dawid Binemann-Zdanowicz: Evangelical Augsburg Church in relation to the state. System-related and legal aspects (Kościół Ewangelicko-Augsburski w relacjach z państwem. Aspecty ustrojowe i prawne) . Ed .: Hucał Michał; Filak Agnieszka. Warszawa 2018, The regulatory procedure - historical-legal conditions (Postępowanie regulacyjne - uwarunkowania historyczno-prawne), p. 145-163 .
  5. Kujawian University in Włocławek (Kujawska Wyższa Szkoła we Włocławku). Retrieved January 21, 2020 (Polish).
  6. Gazeta Pomorska: List of selected lawyers in the Toruń District Bar Association (Lista niektórych adwokatów należących do Okręgowej Izby Adwokackiej w Toruniu) . May 8, 2009 (Polish, pomorska.pl [accessed February 9, 2010]).
  7. Portal e-prawnik.pl: the Internet directory “e-prawnik” with a description of the law firm and the year of admission to the bar (Internetowy rejestr e-prawnik zawierający opis kancelarii adwokackiej oraz rok wpisania na listę adwokatów.) . March 3, 2011 (Polish, e-prawnik.pl [accessed March 3, 2011]).
  8. Wanda Wasicka: "Behind the Western Frontier" - report on the festival of German-Polish reconciliation in Elsterwerda in Germany, published in the magazine "Głos Nieszawski" (Za zachodnią granicą - relacja z uroczystości pojednania polsko-niemieckiego w Elsterwerda wczech zzech republic "Głos Nieszawski") . December 2009 (Polish, nieszawa.pl [PDF; accessed on February 9, 2010]).
  9. ^ Report from the annual celebrations in Elsterwerda in Germany (Relacja z uroczystości rocznicowych w mieście Elsterwerda w Niemczech) . November 19, 2009 (Polish, nieszawa.pl [accessed February 9, 2010]).
  10. ^ Weimar Triangle: Program of the conferences within the framework of the Weimar Triangle in 2005 (Program konferencji mających miejsce w ramach Trójkąta Weimarskiego w 2005r.) . 2005 ( weimarer-dreieck.eu [accessed on February 9, 2010]).
  11. ^ Stiftung Genshagen: Conference on Laicism in Europe: “Laicism in Europe. For the 100th year of the separation of church and state in France ” . October 29, 2005 ( hu-berlin.de [accessed February 9, 2010]).
  12. Presidium of the 25th Evangelical Lutheran Regional Synod of Saxony: (Report from the 3rd European Ecumenical Assembly in Sibiu in September 2007, published in the journal Blickpunkt Synode , No. 12-2007 December 2007 ( evlks.de [PDF; accessed on February 9, 2010]).
  13. ^ Diecezja Włocławska: Exhibition opening and lecture in the assembly hall of the WSD in Włocławek as part of the Ecumenical Week of Prayer for Christian Unity) . January 23, 2010 (Polish, wloclawek.pl [accessed February 9, 2010]).
  14. ^ Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church of Saxony: Report from the spring conference of the 26th Evangelical Lutheran Regional Synod of Saxony . April 23, 2010 ( evlks.de [accessed on May 22, 2010]).
  15. ^ Rejestr Internetowy Online: Chairman of the Polish Evangelical Society in Toruń . February 9, 2010 (Polish, ibuss.eu [accessed February 9, 2010]).
  16. Members of the Synodal Commission for Legal Issues of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in the Republic of Poland (Skład Synodalnej Komisji ds. Prawnych Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) . February 9, 2010 (Polish, luteranie.pl [accessed February 9, 2010]).
  17. Elected curator of the Pomeranian-Wielkopolska diocese of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in the Republic of Poland (Wybór kuratora Diecezji Pomorsko-Wielkopolskiej Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) . March 11, 2007 (Polish, kosciol.pl [accessed February 9, 2010]).
  18. ^ Head of the Pomeranian-Wielkopolska Diocese of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in the Republic of Poland (Władze Diecezji Pomorsko-Wielkopolskiej Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) . February 9, 2010 (Polish, luteranie.pl [accessed February 9, 2010]).
  19. ^ Members of the Council of the Synod of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in the Republic of Poland (Skład Rady Synodalnej Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) . February 5, 2010 (Polish, luteranie.pl [accessed February 5, 2010]).
  20. Diecezja Pomorsko-Wielkopolska: Report on the church inauguration of the Evangelical Community Center in Koszalin (Relacja z poświęcenia Parafialnego Centrum w Koszalinie) . May 17, 2008 (Polish, luteranie.pl [accessed February 9, 2010]).
  21. ^ "Foundation of the Lutheran History Commission" ("Powstała luterańska Komisja Historyczna") . April 5, 2007 (Polish, wiara.pl [accessed February 9, 2010]).
  22. Ryszard Michalak: “Protestants in the face of the cooperation of clergy with the state security”, fragments of the book “Churches, Politics, History. From studies on the problem of denominational minorities in Poland in the 20th and 21st centuries "(" Protestanci wobec współpracy duchownych z SB ", fragmenty książki" Kościoły, polityka, historia. Ze studiów nad problemami mniejszości wyznaniowych w Polsce w XXI like XXI like ) . Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, August 11, 2009 (Polish, ekumenizm.pl [accessed February 9, 2010]).
  23. Program of the scientific conference “Polish Protestantism in the Times of Totalitarianism of the 20th Century”, 25.-26. June 2009 (program konferencji naukowej “Polski protestantyzm w dobie totalitaryzmów XX wieku, 25-26 VI 2009 r.”) Organized by the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń . June 12, 2009 (Polish, phorum.pl [accessed February 9, 2010]).
  24. Establishing the legal status of real estate owned by the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in the Third Polish Republic . Luteranie.pl ( luteranie.pl [accessed October 28, 2019]).
  25. Dawid Binemann-Zdanowicz: determination of the legal status of property of the Evangelical Augsburg Church in the Third Polish Republic . University of Warsaw September 17, 2019 ( ceon.pl [PDF]).
  26. Kujawska Wyższa Szkoła we Włocławku: Directory of university lecturers from the University Kujawy in Włocławek. Retrieved January 21, 2020 (Polish).
  27. Dawid Binemann-Zdanowicz: Die Rosskur (Końska kuracja), ed. Studio Reset, August 2003, ISBN 83-918723-0-0 . August 2003 (Polish, mareno.pl [accessed February 9, 2010]).
  28. Features “According to the Lawyer” (“Zdaniem Adwokata”) published in the Zdrój Ciechociński newspaper of the Ciechocinek Spa in 2003-2009 . February 6, 2010 (Polish, ciechocinek.pl [accessed February 6, 2010]).
  29. Jarosław Kłaczkow (ed.): Polish Protestantism in the times of National Socialism and Communism (Polski protestantyzm w czasach nazizmu i komunizmu) . Toruń 2009, ISBN 978-83-7611-361-6 , property claims of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in the Republic of Poland, in the light of the law of May 13, 1994 on the relationship between the state and the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in the Republic of Poland (Roszczenia majątkowe Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, w świetle ustawy z dnia 13 maja 1994 r. O stosunku Państwa do Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego w Rzecjzypospolite) S. 372-400 (Polish).
  30. Redakcja Związku Kombatantów Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej oraz Byłych Więźniów Politycznych: Poradnictwo prawne w Zarządzie Głównym ZKRPiBWP . In: Polsce Wierni - Monthly Journal of the Union of Combatants of the Republic of Poland and Former Political Prisoner . No. 2 (254) , February 1, 2017, ISSN  1425-8633 , p. 29 (Polish, kombatantpolski.pl [accessed February 25, 2017]).