The fall of the lemming

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Original title The fall of the lemming
Country of production Austria
original language German
Publishing year 2009
length 98 minutes
Director Nikolaus Leytner
script Agnes Pluch
production Helmut Grasser
music Matthias Weber ,
Die Strottern
camera Hermann Dunzendorfer
cut Andreas Kopriva

The Fall of Lemming is an Austrian crime comedy with Fritz Karl , Roland Düringer and Julia Koschitz in the leading roles based on the novel of the same name by Stefan Slupetzky .


The film was shot mainly in Vienna in 2008. The director was Nikolaus Leytner , the camera Hermann Dunzendorfer and the editing was done by Andreas Kopriva. The producer was Helmut Grasser . The project was funded with € 430,000 from the Vienna Film Fund .


Leopold Wallisch ( Fritz Karl ), nicknamed "Lemming", was released from the Vienna police at the instigation of his inhuman colleague Krotznig ( Roland Düringer ) . He now works for a small Viennese private detective agency and is forced to spy on potential adulterers. When one of those he was monitoring, the retired Latin teacher Grinzinger, was murdered, the lemming quit and set about investigating the case on his own. He gets deeper and deeper into a complex web of power and betrayal, sadism and humiliation, the roots of which go back twenty years and expose the victim as a former perpetrator of his own students.

The path of the lemming - a path that not least leads him to his own abyss - is lined with a myriad of strange characters: the grumpy wife of Grinzinger, who only gets funny when she is widowed, a butcher who ends up in a meat grinder with his teasing piercings , a ship's cook and Foreign Legionnaire believed long dead, and of course Castro, the stoned dog who never tires of mistaking Lemming's bathtub for the bed and his pillow for the toilet.

The search for the murderer turns into a competition with the brutal Krotznig, who tries to stop the investigation of his former partner by all means. The fact that a young vet now appears who is acting extremely suspiciously does not make things any easier: Klara Breitner ( Julia Koschitz ) does not only seem to be involved in the murder, she also soon leaves - quite privately - the heart of the lemming beat faster. Despite all the adversities, the Lemming still holds two trumps in his hand: his increased tendency to empathy , which sometimes borders on self-abandonment, and the ominous wire- rimmed glasses that Grinzinger took with him in gift packaging shortly before his death.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Vienna Film Fund: The Fall of Lemming , accessed on June 10, 2018