Albrecht von Johansdorf

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That of Johansdorf in the Codex Manesse

Albrecht von Johansdorf (also Albertus de Janestorf , Albert von Jahenstorf or Der von Johansdorf , * before 1180, † after 1209) was a minstrel . He is best known for his crusade poetry.


In the years 1172 to 1255 the name Johansdorf can be found in various spellings a total of thirteen times in documents. Three generations of the knightly family von Johansdorf (also Jahenstorf) with the hereditary name Albertus can be proven. Family members appear twice (1172 and 1188) among the ministerials of the Bamberg diocese , and several times they are named as ministerials of the Passau diocese . The minstrel is probably the filio suo Adalberto , who is first mentioned in 1180 together with his father.

He appears several times in documents as Ministeriale of Bishops Hermann and Otto von Bamberg , Wolfger von Erla and Manegold von Berg . In addition to Albrecht, Wolfger also sponsored Walther von der Vogelweide . From Albrecht's songs it can be concluded that he probably took part in the third crusade ; It is uncertain whether he moved to the Holy Land with Bishop Wolfger in 1197 or joined the army of Duke Leopold of Austria in the summer of 1190 .

His trace is lost after a last documentary mention in 1209. In the middle of the 13th century, Albrecht was lamented as dead in a stanza attributed to the minstrel Reinmar von Brennenberg .

The place mentioned in the nickname of the minstrel has not been clearly identified to this day (perhaps Jahrstorf near Landau an der Isar ).



The crusade plays an important role in his minne poetry; five of his thirteen traditional poems are crusade songs. With Albrecht this genre of Minnelyric, to which u. a. Friedrich von Hausen , Heinrich von Rugge and Hartmann von Aue have contributed to its artistic climax. He is considered to be Bavaria's first important song poet since the beginning of high minstrels.

The central problem in Albrecht von Johansdorf's crusade songs is the question of the compatibility of worship and minne service during the crusade. The lover gets into an inner conflict. His solution: For Albrecht von Johansdorf, taking part in the crusade is a divine service and on a par with the love for a woman, the ministry; The love of God and the love of women complement each other. Aware of mutual love between him and the lady who is portrayed as a partner, he understands his participation in the crusade as a service to his mistress, as he shares with her the divine reward that he earns by participating in the crusade.

The frequency with which the lady takes the floor in Albrecht's songs and expresses her feelings reflects the model of the Danubian love poetry ( Der Kürenberger , Dietmar von Aist ), which also results in the choice of words ( vriunt , wip , herzeliep , gevriunden, etc.), verse (long lines in long-line structure) and genres ( bills of exchange , female stanza ) indicate.

Thirteen songs with a total of 42 stanzas are attributed to Albrecht von Johansdorf, including five crusade songs; they are recorded in the Codex Manesse (Folio 179v-181r).

Song sample

How minne rises then I know
How minne rises to that I know;
how it ends i don't know.
is that I should become aware of it
as happened to heræen herzeliep,
so kept me from divorce,
daz wæn is bitter.
This total I thought âne spot.
Swâ two herzeliep frozen each other
and we both have a triuwe host,
that should not part anyone, darkens me,
al die wîle unz si der tôt forbids.
wær diu speak mîn, I tæte alsô:
I lose my friunt,
See, I was never mêre free.
Whom I serve and whom I want to serve,
diu sol mîne speak vil wol understand.
I speak mêre, it was alze vil.
i wil ez allez an ir güete lân.
I need it.
and wil si, I am vrô;
and wil si, so my heart is suffering vol.

I know well how love begins; I don't know how it ends. Should I learn how the heart is given love of the heart, God will save me from parting, which is certainly very bitter. I am very much afraid of this grief. // If two love each other from the bottom of their hearts and their love becomes true, no one should part them until death does. If it were me, I would feel like this: If I lose my beloved, see, I would never be happy again. /// Who I serve and will always serve, she will understand well what I mean. If I said more, it would be too much. All of this should be decided by their kindness. I very much need your affection. And if she wants, I am happy and at the same time my heart is full of sorrow.


  • The al der werlde fröide gît
  • The hinnen varn, who say by got
  • Diu Saelde had crowned me
  • God knows what, I never forgot
  • Guote liute, fetch the gift
  • Me and a wîp
  • I vant si âne huote
  • I know what to do in front of everyone
  • I wil see who I am from child
  • The dead want to part me from me
  • Mîn êrste love that I began
  • Now mêre mîn is not a thing
  • I see iemen, who yes, he came from ir
  • Swaz I don't sing
  • How minne rises then I know
  • Wîze, rôte rôsen, blâwe bluomen, green grass


  • Robert Bergmann: Investigations into the songs of Albrecht von Johansdorf . Dissertation. Zwittau 1963, pp. 287-294.
  • Egon Boshof : The regests of the bishops of Passau . Volume 2: 1206-1254 . Munich Beck, 1999, ( Regesten zur Bavarian history 2), Regesten 1878/1879, p. 219.
  • Johannes Hornoff: The minstrel Albrecht von Johansdorf . In: Germania 33, 1888, 385-437 and 34, 1889 pp. 75-112.
  • Silvia Rawanake: Albrecht von Johansdorf, a pioneer of Walther von der Vogelweide? In: Egon Boshof, Fritz Peter Knapp (ed.): Wolfger von Erla. Bishop of Passau (1191 - 1204) and Patriarch of Aquileja (1204 - 1218) as prince of the church and patron of literature . Winter, Heidelberg 1994, ISBN 3-8253-0202-4 , ( Germanische Bibliothek : Series 3, investigations NF 20), pp. 249-280.
  • Peter Volk: The minstrel Albrecht von Johansdorf, his family and the Nibelungenlied . In: Alemannisches Jahrbuch 2003/2004 , pp. 107–240, Freiburg im Breisgau 2006
  • Wilhelm WilmannsAlbrecht von Johansdorf . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 14, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1881, p. 484.
  • Wolfgang Stammler:  Albrecht von Johansdorf. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 1, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1953, ISBN 3-428-00182-6 , p. 178 ( digitized version ).

Web links

Wikisource: Der von Johansdorf  - Sources and full texts
Commons : Minnesang  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Gerd Gross: German-speaking writers - Albrecht von Johansdorf - biography. January 1, 2007, archived from the original on January 18, 2008 ; accessed on August 7, 2014 .
  3. ^ Albrecht von Johansdorf. In: Medieval Lexicon - the free knowledge database. December 23, 2005, archived from the original on May 21, 2008 ; accessed on August 7, 2014 .
  4. See
  5. ^ Albrecht von Johansdorf. Retrieved August 7, 2014 .
  6. Albrecht von Johansdorf: How minne rises daz weiz ich wol ( Memento from November 26, 2010 in the Internet Archive )