Hermann I. (Bamberg)

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Hermann I († June 26, 1084 in Münsterschwarzach ) was Bishop of Bamberg from 1065 to 1075.


Hermann I was placed in front of the Bamberg church by the king without an election by the cathedral chapter taking place. This process resulted in the cathedral chapter's constant aversion to this bishop and the accusation of simony . This accusation of having bought the office of bishop, which was repeatedly raised but never proven, was the beginning of the end of his activity. Hermann I was a partisan of King Heinrich IV in good times and bad, as the clerk Lampert von Hersfeld had to acknowledge. On the occasion of the trip to Rome in 1070 he asked Pope Alexander II (1061-1073) the pallium , which he received after taking the oath that he had received his office without simony.

Circumstances of deposition

In 1071 he donated, probably with his own funds, a. a. with goods in Langeln , the Canon Monastery of St. Jakob . After the death of the first provost, he handed over the canonical monastery of St. Jakob to the St. Michael monastery . This created an outburst of hatred from the cathedral chapter as well as from the clergy who had been removed from the monastery. A complaint to the king in 1073 was in vain, so they turned to Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085) in the same year and swore him to depose the bishop who had come to the head of the diocese of Bamberg with simonistic machinations. Gregor then sent several summons to Hermann. The latter did not comply with the repeated request to answer personally in Rome. Thereupon the Pope, who was convinced of his guilt by Hermann's failure, announced his dismissal on April 20, 1075, which was repeated on July 20, 1075, and put Hermann under a spell. The heads of Christianity in Germany, the king and the archbishop of Mainz, were asked to make a new appointment to the diocese of Bamberg. Henry IV complied with this request on November 30, 1075 and appointed Hermann's successor, his follower who had been loyal to him for decades. Hermann then withdrew to the Münsterschwarzach monastery , but went on a pilgrimage to Rome with Abbot Egbert , so that the Pope would release him from the ban. The Pope agreed to this request, but Hermann was no longer allowed to return to his diocese. Hermann lived in Münsterschwarzach until the end of his life.


In imperial politics he headed the Ministry of Finance from 1069 to 1075. With the imperial administrator and archbishop of Cologne in Anno II. , He undertook a trip to Rome in 1070 to draw in the royal gradient.

Events in the diocese

From his own resources he founded the Canon Monastery of St. Jakob in 1071. The diocese experienced an increase in territory through the establishment of Banz Monastery by the Margravine Albrat von Schweinfurt and her husband, Count Hermann von Habsberg-Kastl .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dieter Pötschke: Ilsenburg Monastery. History, architecture, library (= Harz research. 19). Lukas Verlag, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-936872-14-7 , p. 154.
predecessor Office successor
Gunther Bishop of Bamberg