Ranks of the fire brigade in Bavaria

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Volunteer firefighter

Team and leadership ranks

The volunteer fire brigades and the compulsory fire brigades can have the following team and management ranks (the latter from fire-fighting )

It applies to all ranks that, according to the Bavarian Fire Brigade Act (BayFwG), there are no prerequisites as in most other federal states (e.g. completed training courses or seniority ). The commander or his deputy of the respective fire brigade decides on the appointment alone (Art. 8 para. 1 sentence 2 BayFwG).

Rank badge Required training or position Cap band
Fire Brigade Candidate (FA) no badge Minimum age: 12 years. i. A. up to the age of 16 youth fire brigade uniform
Firefighter (FM) / Firefighter (FF) Firefighter Minimum age: 18 years. Collar and hat badges:

antique silver, matt

Hat strap: patent leather, 14 mm wide, color including the fastening buttons: black, glossy

Wearing method: left upper sleeve of service skirt and coat, attachment point 100 mm above the sleeve end

Chief Fireman (OFM) / Chief Fireman (OFF) Chief Fireman
Chief Fireman (HFM) / Chief Fireman (HFF) Chief firefighter
Extinguishing Master (LM) Fire-fighting master Requirements according to BayFwG are not required, but are usually only awarded after group leader training . Highest rank according to Annex 3 VollzBekBayFwG for deputy commanders in a fire brigade with a group (up to 27 active members).
Chief Fire Officer (OLM) Chief fire officer Requirements according to BayFwG not required, but usually group leader . Highest rank according to Annex 3 VollzBekBayFwG for commanders of a fire brigade with a group (up to 27 active members).
Chief Fire Officer (HLM) Chief fire extinguisher Requirements according to BayFwG are not required, but are usually only awarded after train driver training (from fire brigades with at least two groups). Highest rank according to Annex 3 VollzBekBayFwG for deputy commanders in a fire brigade with 2 or 3 groups (up to 81 active members).
Fire chief (BM) Fire chief Prerequisites according to BayFwG not required, but usually a platoon leader (from fire departments with at least two groups). Highest rank of commander of a fire brigade with 2 to 5 groups. Highest rank of a deputy commander of a fire brigade with 4 or 5 groups. Collar and hat badges:

silver, matt

Cap cord : metal cord, 6 mm thick, double, adjustable, color including the fastening buttons: silver, matt

Wearing method: left upper sleeve of service skirt and coat, attachment point 100 mm above the sleeve end.

Chief Fire Officer (OBM) Chief Fire Chief Requirements according to BayFwG are not required, but are usually only awarded to association leaders who are not a commander or deputy of a fire brigade with at least 12 groups. Highest rank for deputy commanders in fire departments with 6-11 groups. Highest rank for firefighters who are not a commanding officer or deputy.
Chief Fire Chief (HBM) Chief fire chief Prerequisites according to BayFwG are not required, but are normally only awarded to association leaders, commanders (for fire brigades from 6 groups) or deputy commanders (for fire brigades from 12 groups). This post is normally not available to association leaders without a management function.

The ranks should be awarded according to the following standard strength of the voluntary fire brigades and compulsory fire brigades (Appendix 3 VollzBekBayFwG)

Number of groups 1 2 3 4th 5 6th 7th 8th 9 10 11 12
Trains - 1 1 2 2 3 3 4th 4th 5 5 6th
Associations - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Association leader / chief fire chief - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Deputy Association Leader / Chief Fire Officer - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Platoon leader / fire chief - 1 1 2 2 3 3 4th 4th 5 5 6th
Deputy platoon leader / chief fire extinguisher - 1 1 2 2 3 3 4th 4th 5 5 6th
Group leader / chief fire officer 1 2 3 4th 5 6th 7th 8th 9 10 11 12
Deputy group leader / fire extinguisher 2 4th 4th 4th 5 6th 7th 8th 9 10 11 12
Overall leadership ranks 3 8th 9 12 14th 20th 22nd 26th 28 32 34 40
Chief Fireman / Chief Fireman / Fireman 21st 42 63 84 105 126 147 168 189 210 231 259
Machinists 3 6th 9 12 15th 18th 21st 24 27 30th 33 36
Team ranks overall 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264 288
Total strength of the volunteer fire brigade 27 56 81 108 134 164 190 218 244 272 298 328

Special leadership ranks

For “special management ranks” (quotation from the BayFwGesetz), the Bavarian Fire Brigade Act prescribes extra requirements (age, completed courses). They form the district or city fire inspection . The offices of the district / city fire council , the city ​​fire inspector as well as the city ​​fire chief (partially) and the commander are elective offices. District fire inspectors and district fire supervisors are appointed. The function badges may be worn from the confirmation for the respective office until it is handed over. After that, the person in question returns to their "normal" rank (e.g. chief fire officer). Only commanders in municipalities belonging to the district wear the function badge in addition to the rank badge. The rank badge does not apply to the other holders of functional badges.

function badge Cap band
Commander (Kdt.) commander Collar and hat badges:

silver, matt

Cap cord:

Metal cord, 6 mm thick, double, adjustable,

Color including the fastening buttons: silver, matt

Carrying method:

left upper sleeve of service skirt and coat,

Starting point 100 mm above the sleeve end.

District / City Fire Chief (KBM / SBM) District / city fire chief
District / town fire inspector (KBI / SBI) District / town fire inspector Collar and hat badges:

gold, matt

Cap cord:

Metal cord, 6 mm thick, double, adjustable,

Color including the fastening buttons: gold, matt

Carrying method:

Left upper sleeve of service skirt and coat,

Starting point 100 mm above the sleeve end.

District / City Fire Council (KBR / SBR) District / City Fire Council

Professional fire brigade

  • Qualification level 2 (formerly middle service)
Rank badge
Fire chief z. A. (BM z. A.) (probationary period) Fire chief
Fire chief (BM) Fire chief
Chief Fire Officer (OBM) Chief Fire Chief
Fire Inspector (BI) (formerly Chief Fire Officer - HBM) Fire inspector
  • Qualification level 3 (formerly upper level service)
Rank badge
Fire Chief Inspector Candidate (BOIA) (preparatory service) Candidate Fire Chief Inspector
Chief Fire Inspector (BOI) Chief Fire Inspector
Fire chief (BA) Fire officer
Fire Department Council (BAR) Branch Council
Fire Council (BR) (formerly Brandoberamtsrat - BOAR) Fire Council
  • Qualification level 4 (formerly higher service)
Rank badge
Fire trainee (BRef) (preparatory service) Fire Council
Fire Council (BR) Fire Council
Brandoberrat (BOR) Chief Fire Councilor
Fire Director (BD) Fire director
Chief Fire Director (Ltd. BD) Chief Fire Director
Chief Fire Director of the City of Munich (OBD) Chief Fire Director of the City of Munich

Wearing method: left upper sleeve of service skirt, service coat, protective jacket or coat; Starting point 100 mm above the sleeve end

Helmet labeling

In addition to the labels worn on the uniform ( uniform ), there is also a helmet label, which is used, in particular, to identify the relevant functions or tasks in emergency services.


  1. The Bavarian. Fire Brigade Act allows young people from the age of 16 to be deployed in fire brigade operations outside the danger area . As a rule, a successful attendance of the Troop Man I course is required for this.
  1. Appendix 3 to the announcement of the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior on the implementation of the Bavarian Fire Brigade Act (VollzBekBayFwG) of May 28, 2013 (AllMBl. P. 217, ber. P. 311) , accessed on February 24, 2020