Dieter Klaua

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Dieter Klaua (born July 22, 1930 in Chemnitz ; † April 14, 2014 in Karlsruhe ) was a German mathematician who became known primarily for his contributions to axiomatic set theory as the basis of mathematics .

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Dieter Klaua studied 1949-1954 mathematics at the University of Leipzig and in 1958 at the Humboldt University of Berlin with Karl Schröter with the work Computable Analysis Dr. phil. PhD . From 1959 he was a research assistant at the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin . In 1959 he completed his habilitation with the work, published in 1961, Construction of Whole, Rational and Real Ordinal Numbers and the Discontinuous Structure of Transfinite Real Number Spaces . In 1962 he was appointed lecturer at the Humboldt University in Berlin and in 1965 as a professor at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig . There he began with his students, including Siegfried Gottwald , to establish a multi-valued set theory as a foundation for a non-classical structure of mathematics.

Klaua ended his teaching activity in 1972 for health reasons, but he continued to work in basic mathematical research . From 1973 to 1975 he worked at the Mathematical Institute of the Medical Academy Berlin-Lichtenberg , in 1976 he retired , in 1977 he left the GDR and went to Karlsruhe .


In his habilitation thesis, Dieter Klaua constructed ordered bodies in a uniform manner, which expand the field of real numbers and therefore have to contain both infinitesimal elements and infinitely large numbers ( generalized transfinite number spaces ). In 1965 he designed - parallel to and independently of Lotfi Zadeh - a generalized concept of sets with a graduated relationship of membership, the multivalued sets , using the multivalued logics according to Jan Łukasiewicz as the framework system. From around 1968 Dieter Klaua concentrated mainly on the three-valued case of his multivalent sets, which he called partial sets . With this he developed a set-theoretical foundation for interval arithmetic .


  • Computable Analysis. Dissertation. Humboldt University Berlin. In: Journal for Mathematical Logic and Fundamentals of Mathematics. Volume 2, 1956, ISSN  0044-3050 , pp. 265-303.
  • Constructive Analysis. German Science Publishing House, Berlin 1961.
  • Construction of whole, rational and real ordinal numbers and the discontinuous structure of the transfinite real number spaces. Habilitation thesis. Humboldt University Berlin. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1961.
  • General set theory. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1964.
  • Elementary axioms of set theory. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1971, ISBN 3-528-06081-6 .
  • Basic concepts of axiomatic set theory. 2 parts. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin and Vieweg, Braunschweig 1973.
  • Cardinal and ordinal numbers. 2 parts. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin and Vieweg, Braunschweig 1974, ISBN 3-528-06125-1 and ISBN 3-528-06141-3 .
  • Quantity intervals. Institute for Applied Mathematics, Freiburg i. Br. 1978.
  • Set theory. de Gruyter, Berlin, New York 1979, ISBN 3-11-007726-4 .
  • Exact foundation of mathematics. 3 parts. Widmann, Karlsruhe 1987, 1988, ISBN 3-923314-04-3 , ISBN 3-923314-05-1 and ISBN 3-923314-06-X . New editions 1996.
  • Transfinite number systems based on the Cantor ordinal numbers. 2 parts. Widmann, Karlsruhe 1989, ISBN 3-923314-07-8 and ISBN 3-923314-08-6 . New editions 1996.
  • On a definition of surreal numbers by the rank relation. Widmann, Karlsruhe 1998, ISBN 3-923314-15-9 .

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