Diether Gotthold Roland Findeisen

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Diether GR Findeisen (1946)

Diether Gotthold Roland Findeisen (often DGR Findeisen ) (* February 7, 1922 in Höhnstedt ; † May 15, 2003 in Berlin ) was a German doctor , university professor and author in the fields of immunology , allergology and sports medicine .


Findeisen was born in 1922 as the first child of the veterinarian Gotthold Findeisen and his wife Elsa (née Reinhold) in Höhnstedt. After attending primary school for three years, he graduated from Realgymnasium Dreikönigsschule Dresden up to the Abitur in March 1939. At the age of 17, Findeisen began studying medicine in the summer semester of 1939 at the University of Berlin . Because he was drafted into the Wehrmacht in 1940, he had to interrupt his studies. After the subsequent basic military training, the physics course at the University of Würzburg could be taken in September 1941 . This was followed by studying clinical semesters in Prague , Würzburg and Berlin, where he was taught by Ferdinand Sauerbruch , among others . After passing the medical examination with the grade very good and completing the last compulsory clinical traineeship, he was involved as a military doctor on frontline missions in Holland and France. In October 1944 he received in Prague the approval of a doctor and graduated in Munich promotion to Doctor of Medicine with the work Pervitin against hay fever .

After the war his surgical , internal and dermatological training followed. From 1954 to 1962 he worked as an assistant and senior physician at the University Clinic for Physiotherapy at Charité Berlin , where he completed his habilitation in 1962 . From 1962 to 1967 Findeisen worked as medical director and chief physician of the asthma and rheumatism clinic (Prießnitz house) in Mahlow. He was appointed professor in 1967 with a simultaneous teaching position for sports medicine at what was then the Potsdam University of Education (now the University of Potsdam ). In 1972 he was appointed full professor.


Diether Findeisen is the author or editor and co-editor of 33 monographs including multiple editions as well as the author of 280 medical-scientific articles. He is a co-founder and was editor- in- chief of the first German allergological journal "Allergie und Asthma" (1954) for 23 years . Findeisen was a member and honorary member of national and international professional associations, u. a. Co-founder and permanent board member of the International Association of Asthmalogy (Interasma). In 1988 he was appointed an honorary doctor (Dr. sc. Hc) of the WHO Faculty for Complementary Medicines at the University of Colombo in Athens.
Findisen was socially active in the German Red Cross (DRK) of the GDR , where he was chairman of the Potsdam district from 1963 to 1985 and had been a member of the presidium since 1965. In 1982 he was appointed head of the Space Immunology Working Group in the Society for Space Research and Space Travel in the GDR .


Publications (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. About antihistamine-pervitin combination treatment of allergic diseases . 1st International Congress, Zurich 1951. Retrieved December 2, 2018.
  2. "INTERASMA Through the Years by Albert K. Oehling" . Interasma website. Retrieved December 2, 2018.
  3. 102 posters F130; Advertisement for the "33rd Sunday Lecture" at the Karl Liebknecht University of Education in Potsdam on March 17, 1985 on the topic: "Recent results in aerospace medicine and their effects on earthly health protection"; 1985 (poster). Retrieved June 12, 2020 .