Diether Haas

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Diether Haas (born January 20, 1921 in Halle (Saale) ; † November 26, 2013 Hamburg ) was the Hamburg Senate Syndicate , State Councilor and, since 1996, holder of the Mayor Stolten Medal .

Education, profession and honors

His study course in law was his participation as a soldier in World War II and the subsequent captivity interrupted. In 1949 he passed the 2nd state examination in law and entered the Hamburg civil service. There he worked from 1950 to 1957, first in the reparation office, then in the youth authority and finally as a consultant in the legal office. In 1955 he received his doctorate on the subject of "System of public law compensation obligations". In 1958 he moved to the tax authorities and became head of property management. Appointed Senate Syndicus in 1966 by Mayor Herbert Weichmann (since 1970 with the official name Staatsrat), Haas was responsible as such from 1967 to 1972 for the authority for schools, youth and vocational training , from 1967 to 1970 also for the cultural authority, but then changed in 1972 as State Council in the building authority . After the scandal surrounding the Stoltzenberg chemical factory (Stoltzenberg scandal) in 1979, which led to the dismissal of Justice Senator Frank Dahrendorf and revealed blatant deficiencies in Hamburg's administrative activities and in the authorities, Haas was appointed by Mayor Hans-Ulrich Klose as chairman of an independent commission of experts who Developed proposals for extensive administrative reform. However, the 145 suggestions for improvement presented in the resulting report in 1981 were never implemented. In 1979, however, a decision was made to change the status of the councils of state, which became political officials . In 1982 Haas finally took over the management of the Senate Chancellery under Mayor Klaus von Dohnanyi . 1984 retired from this office due to old age.

Working as an administrative lawyer and author

Since 1953 published Haas numerous writings and essays on administrative and constitutional law and was an author, he brought a much-publicized survey of the Hamburger Senatssyndici since 1945. After his retirement in 1986 as editor of a compilation of 16 articles about the Hamburg St. Michaelis Church (Hamburg Michel) out . For his many years of service in the Senate and his nationwide recognition as an administrative lawyer, the non-party Haas received the Mayor Stolten Medal as the highest award in Hamburg. Haas spent the last years of his life with his wife in the evangelical retirement home of the St. Michaelis parish in Hamburg-Rotherbaum , where he died in 2013 at the age of 92. His grave is in the Ohlsdorf cemetery . His files were handed over to the Hamburg State Archives in 1984, 2008 and the last one posthumously in 2020 .


selected Writings

  • Conclusion and ratification of international treaties in " Archives of Public Law " (AöR), Vol. 39 (1953), 3/4, pp. 381–389.
  • Free development of personality - Article 2, Paragraph I of the Basic Law in " The Public Administration " (DÖV), 1954, pp. 70–72.
  • System of public law compensation obligations , Diss. Karlsruhe 1955.
  • Federal laws on the organization and procedures of the state authorities in "Archive of Public Law", vol. 41 (1955), 1/2, pp. 81-101.
  • The Constitution of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg of June 6, 1952 in "The Year Book of Public Law of the Present ", Vol. 6 (1957), pp. 223-250 (together with Carl Heinrich Glatz)
  • Committees in the administration in "Verwaltungsarchiv", Vol. 49 (1958), pp. 14–32.
  • The compensation regulations of the Federal Building Act in " Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt " (DVBl), Vol. 76 (1961), 9, pp. 366–368.
  • The public things in "Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt", Vol. 77 (1962), pp. 653-656.
  • The realization of space-influencing and space-consuming decisions of state planning in "Constitutional and administrative problems of spatial planning and state planning", Berlin 1965, pp. 109–123.
  • Land law in Hamburg: on Hamburg style in the last 120 years in Hans Peter Ipsen (ed.): "Hamburger Festschrift for Friedrich Schack on his 80th birthday on October 1st, 1966", Hamburg [u. a.], Metzner 1966, p. 25ff.
  • The development of the constitution in Hamburg since 1957 in "Yearbook of Public Rights of the Present", New Series, Vol. 25 (1976), pp. 27-52 (together with Herbert Freitag).
  • Hamburg Senate Syndici since 1945 , Hamburg 1977.
  • The obligation to present files to the citizenship in Henrich Ackermann (ed.): "From the Hamburg legal life: Walter Reimers for his 65th birthday", Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 1979, pp. 321–347.
  • The tower: Hamburg's Michel; Shape and history , self-rel. d. Association Michaelitica at St. Michaelis zu Hamburg 1986 (as editor; with contributions by sixteen authors)
  • The Hamburg Neustadt between the world wars in Diether Haas: "The tower: Hamburg's Michel; shape and history", self-published. d. Michaelitica Association at St. Michaelis in Hamburg 1986, pp. 205–226.
  • Task planning-urban development planning: attempt to look back on the example of Hamburg in "Gedächtnisschrift für Wolfgang Martens", Berlin, New York, de Gruyter 1987, 369–391.
  • Administrative organization law in "Hamburg State and Administrative Law", Frankfurt am Main, Metzner 1988, pp. 91–126.
  • The Syndicate in "Law and Jurists in Hamburg", Cologne, Heymann Vol. 1. (1994), pp. 79-89.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Article Competent, brilliant and power-conscious . In "Die Welt" of December 3, 2012, accessed online on April 28, 2020