Dietmar Krafft

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Dietmar Krafft (born May 28, 1934 in Beuthen ) is a German economist.


Krafft was born the son of a teacher and a bank clerk. After elementary school he attended grammar school in his hometown in 1944 and fled with his family from the Red Army to Wurzen in January 1945 . From the end of 1945 he attended the technical college for economics and administration there. In 1949 the family fled across the zonal border to West Germany , where they settled in Münster in Westphalia . Krafft was accepted to the higher commercial school , which he graduated in 1951. Afterwards he started an apprenticeship in the wholesale and foreign trade of a timber trade. After completing his training, he stayed with the company for another year and then decided to make up for the Abitur in Oberhausen from 1954–1956 in order to obtain the university entrance qualification .

In 1956 he began studying economics with a focus on business administration at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster . After graduating as a business graduate in 1960, he accepted a job offer from the Institute for Transport Science as a research assistant and received his doctorate there in December 1963 with the dissertation “The influence of a port on the economic power of the port city”. His doctoral supervisor was Andreas Predöhl .

From 1964 to 1971 he continued to work as a scientific assistant and managing director at the Institute for Transport Science. During this time he worked with Hanspeter Georgi and Hans-Jürgen Ewers , among others . In 1970 he accepted a teaching position for economics and work studies at the Pedagogical University of Westphalia-Lippe . He taught there for two semesters, then the position was advertised as a professorship in 1971 and filled by Krafft. In this position he headed the establishment of the Institute for Economics and its didactics until 1975 . In 1975, the subject of work studies was abolished in North Rhine-Westphalia in favor of the interdisciplinary subject of social sciences . Against this background, Krafft founded a regional specialist group for economic education in the same year , whose main concern was the introduction of economic education in general schools as an independent subject. In 1978 this expanded to become a federal specialist group; nationwide, most of the professorships for economics and its didactics belonged to it. Krafft headed the specialist group from 1975 to 1991. In 1993 it was renamed "German Society for Economic Education". Today he is one of around 120 members of society.

In 1980 the Pedagogical University of Westphalia-Lippe was closed and the institute for economics and its didactics attached to the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Münster. Until his retirement in 1999, Krafft taught on the subjects of money and currency, foreign trade theory , micro- and macroeconomics, and continuously both business administration and economics . From 1992 to 1996 Krafft was dean and vice dean of the philosophy faculty at the university. In 2000 the rectorate of the university decided to relocate the institute as an institute for economic education to the department of economics. Krafft supports the institute with lectures and seminars.

In the years from 1974 developed by 1980 Krafft on behalf of the Ministries of Education of Schleswig-Holstein , Baden-Wuerttemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate 'in cooperation with the Academy of business leaders in Bad Harzburg training correspondence courses for retraining of teachers for the subject Economic and Employment Studies. From 1991 to 2000 he lectured at the German Management Academy Lower Saxony and from 2000 to 2010 as a guest lecturer at the Business and Information Technology School in Iserlohn . From 1999 to 2002 he worked as a scientific consultant on the didactic design of the German Money and Central Bank Museum in Frankfurt. Since 2000, he has been a training officer for economics and business administration at the BARMER GEK management and specialist academy. He is the founder of the Institute for Economic and Social Science Education, which offers online-based advanced training courses in cooperation with advanced training institutions and financed by the Employment Agency . He is also the managing director of the Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Consulting mbH. As an author he is involved in the newspaper MARKT published by the Goethe Institute .


Since 1976, Krafft has been publishing school books on economics and work at Cornelsen Verlag together with Renate Harter-Meyer and Heinrich Meyer. In 2008 the school books of the series “Lernbereich Arbeitslehre Wirtschaft” (Volumes 5/6, 7/8, 9/10) are: “Wirtschaft-Arbeit-Technik” (Brandenburg), “Wirtschaft” (Lower Saxony), “Arbeit und Beruf "(Hamburg)," job fit. Community and Economics. Career Entry Year "(Baden-Württemberg) was recognized by the German UNESCO Commission as a contribution to the topic of" Learning Sustainability "- as part of the UN Decade" Education for Sustainable Development " . Together with Andreas Liening, he also developed the concept for the Junior Business School initiative at TU Dortmund University, which was awarded by the German UNESCO Commission . The aim of the initiative is to bring students closer to basic economic knowledge supported by modern information and communication technologies.

His main research interests are economic education for non-economists and in general schools, in-company training, distance learning / multimedia / computer-based simulation games .

He is a member of the support company of the Institute for Transport Science and the German Society for Economic Education, chairman of the Friends of the Center for Interdisciplinary Economic Research at the University of Münster.


  • Krafft, D. (2009): “Slaves to the Money Supply: Income, Employment, and Prices”, “Say, Keynes, Friedman. From classical to neoliberalism ”,“ From depression to upturn ”. In: The Myth of Money. Man and the forces of capital, range spectrum. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Verlag.
  • Krafft, D. (2008): Is time money? In: Eternal Moments. An interdisciplinary approach to the phenomenon of time. Münster: Waxmann Verlag.
  • Krafft, D./Mittelstädt, E./Wiepcke, C. (2005): MARKT Lexikon Wirtschaft. Technical terms from A – Z explained in a simple and understandable way. Bielefeld: Bertelsmann.
  • Krafft, D. (1995): Our Money. Money, the Bundesbank and monetary policy. Münster: Wisoco-Verlag.
  • Krafft, D. (1993 ff.) Series “Ökonomie Easy Understandable” (Wisoco - Verlag) with: “Why Economics”, “Business Administration Easily Understandable”, “Business Accounting I - Cost Accounting and Calculation”; "Business accounting II - financial accounting - easily learned".
  • Krafft, D. (1965): The influence of a port on the economic structure and the economic strength of its port city, Göttingen.
  • Krafft, D./Breuer, K./Schlösser, HJ (1987): Energy and consumers. Computer-aided simulation, Cologne. (German School and Software Prize)

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