Dietrich Hermann Hegewisch

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Dietrich (Diederich) Hermann Hegewisch (born December 15, 1740 in Quakenbrück , † April 4, 1812 in Kiel ) was a German historian .


Dietrich Hermann Hegewisch studied theology in Göttingen , but soon turned to history and its auxiliary sciences, especially diplomacy .

He found his first job in Hamburg as court master of the young Count Ernst Heinrich von Schimmelmann . He then worked as a newspaper editor in Hamburg and Altona . He toured the Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden.

Due to his work on history in the time of the Merovingians and the Carolingians , he was appointed to the extraordinary and in 1782 to the full professorship of history at the University of Kiel. a works as a historian have been translated into French, English, Danish and Swedish. In 1798 the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences elected Dietrich Hermann Hegewisch as a member. In 1805 he was appointed to the Danish budget council. Since 1808 he was a foreign member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences .

His son Franz Hermann Hegewisch was a well-known publicist and politician.


  • Attempt of a story from Kayser Charlemagne . Weygand, Leipzig 1777.
  • History of the Frankish monarchy from the death of Charlemagne to the departure of the Carolingians . Carl Ernst Bohn, Hamburg and Kiel 1779.
  • History of the Germans from Konrad the First to the death of Heinrich the Two . Carl Ernst Bohn, Hamburg and Kiel 1781.
  • History of the reign of Emperor Maximilian the First . Carl Ernst Bohn, Hamburg and Kiel 1782.
  • Small writings, Flensburg, Leipzig, 1786.
  • General overview of German cultural history, up to Maximilian the First , An appendix to the history of this emperor , Hamburg, 1788.
  • Historical, Philosophical and Literary Writings , 2 volumes. Carl Ernst Bohn, Hamburg 1793.
  • Schleswig and Holstein's history under the kings Christian IV and the dukes Friedrich II, Philipp, Johann Adolf and Friedrich III or from 1588 to 1648 . Carl Ernst Bohn, Kiel 1801 (as Volume 3 of which is the continuation of: Wilhelm Ernst Christiani : History of the Duchies of Schleswig and Hollstein under the Oldenburg House and in the closer relationship against the Crown of Denmark ).
  • The history of Schleswig and Holstein under the kings Friedrich III and Christian V and under the dukes Friedrich III and Christian Albrecht or from 1645 to 1694 . Carl Ernst Bohn, Kiel 1801 (Volume 4 is the continuation of: Wilhelm Ernst Christiani: History of the Duchies of Schleswig and Hollstein ... ).
  • Geographical and historical news concerning the colonies of the Greeks , 2 volumes. Johann Friedrich Hammerich, Altona 1808 and 1811.


  • Carsten Erich CarstensHegewisch, Dietrich Hermann . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 11, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1880, p. 278 f.
  • Martin Espenhorst : Dietrich Hermann Hegewisch from Quakenbrück (1740-1812) . In: Ders .: Thinking about Peace: Premodern Perspectives on Europe. Selected articles 1995–2014. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2015, ISBN 978-3-8487-1691-3 , pp. 50–53.
  • Martin Espenhorst: Concepts of Europe and Peace in the work of the Kiel cultural historian Dietrich Hermann Hegewisch (1740–1812). In: Irene Dingel, Johannes Paulmann, Matthias Schnettger and Martin Wrede (eds.): Theatrum Belli - Theatrum Pacis. Conflicts and conflict settlement in early modern Europe. Festschrift for Heinz Duchhardt on his 75th birthday. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2018, ISBN 978-3-525-37083-4 , pp. 239-258.
  • Martin Espenhorst: From Quakenbrück via Göttingen, Hanover and Copenhagen to Hamburg and Kiel. The cultural historian Dietrich Hermann Hegewisch (1740–1812) . In: Journal of the Society for Schleswig-Holstein History, Vol. 143/144, 2018/2019, pp. 15–48.

Web links


  1. Martin Espenhorst: Dietrich Hermann Hegewisch from Quakenbrück (1740-1812) . In: Ders .: Thinking about Peace: Premodern Perspectives on Europe . Baden-Baden 2015, pp. 50–53, here p. 50. Espenhorst points out that in some older depictions the year of birth 1746 is mistakenly mentioned.
  2. Martin Espenhorst: Dietrich Hermann Hegewisch from Quakenbrück (1740-1812) . In: Ders .: Thinking about Peace: Premodern Perspectives on Europe . Baden-Baden 2015, pp. 50–53, here pp. 50–51.