Dominik Peterlini

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Dominik Josef Peterlini (born April 4, 1875 in Vienna ; † April 8, 1944 there ) was an Austrian musician and choir director .


Memorial plaque for Dominik Peterlini in Westbahnstraße 40

Dominik Peterlini came from a South Tyrolean factory owner family and was born in Vienna's 7th district of Neubau , Mariahilfer Straße 6. He grew up in a wealthy family, his father Andreas Peterlini was a cane and straw chair manufacturer, his mother Katharina (married Brandstetter) traded as a field and straw chair manufacturer. Peterlini received music lessons at an early age, initially violin lessons from his father, later he completed his studies with Franz Xaver Haberl and Michael Haller in Regensburg and Albanus chess instructor in Prague . Around 1890 Peterlini founded and directed a small orchestra with students from the Vienna Conservatory. The Peterlini Boys ' Choir, which he founded in 1895 , was a boys' choir from which the Vienna Boys' Choir later developed. In 1919 Peterlini built a "rest home" for the boys' choir on his country estate in Mauer near Vienna . From 1925 to 1932 Peterlini was a professor at the Vienna Music Academy , during which time he also founded a children's singing school in Mauer. From the 1890s he worked in Vienna churches as choirmaster, initially in the Capuchin Church and Altlerchenfelder Church , and later in the University Church and Lazaristenkirche and last until 1939 in the Laimgrubenkirche .

Peterlini was buried on April 14, 1944 in the Mauer cemetery. In 1954, Peterlinigasse was named after him in his honor in the Wall district of Liesing ; Before that, the street was called Draschegasse , which is why it had to be renamed in the course of the new delimitation and renumbering of the district of Liesing (see 23rd, 24th and 25th district ) to avoid street name redundancies , as a Draschestraße already existed in the Inzersdorf district . In the Westbahnstraße 40 in the Neubau district, a plaque commemorates Peterlini's work as director of the choral singing and music school in the Catholic youth association "Maria-Hilf" and founder of the "Peterlini Boys' Choir" . At Langen Gasse 96 in Mauer, where Peterlini last lived, there is also a memorial plaque. His estate is in the music collection of the Austrian National Library .


  • Great Golden Salvator Medal of the City of Vienna


Individual evidence

  1. Peterlini Andreas (...) . In: Lehmann ’s general housing indicator . III. Proof (all residents of Vienna). Volume XIV, Hölder, Vienna 1876, p. 409
  2. Memorial plaques in Vienna - Dominik Josef Peterlini
  3. Dominik Peterlini short biography in the Wiener Zeitung on April 4, 2000