Krupy village church

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The village church in Krupy (German: Grupenhagen ) is one of eight half-timbered churches in the Sławno ( Schlawe ) region of Lower Pomerania from the 16th century, but the tower was built around 1400.

Geographical location

The village of Krupy with the historic church is located in Western Pomerania , about eight kilometers northeast of the town of Darłowo ( Rügenwalde ) in the Sławno district of the Polish West Pomeranian Voivodeship .

Building description / history

Historic village church with one of back- and fieldstone masonry tower dating from around 1400. The nave is clad in brick half-timbered building .

The nave of the church in Krupy, built of brick-clad half-timbering, dates from around 1570. At that time the building had a roof turret on the east side. The three-sided choir was only performed on a massive scale later.

Consisting of baking and fieldstone built tower dating back to 1400 contains a high plastered in West Portal pointed arch panel .

The interior of the church is spanned by a flat wooden ceiling, which was painted in white and gray with continuous tendrils in the first half of the 18th century.

The altar with cartilage dates from 1679. Its oval central picture, which is framed by curved entablature resting on two twisted columns, shows Christ stepping into the wine press . This is a medieval theme - revived by Pietism : the resurrected with the flag of victory stands up to his feet in pressed grape juice and steps into the wine press, which lies under the skeleton of the dead. From Christ, blood goes out in numerous rays on the crowd. In the front left of the picture Adam and Eve , furthermore a crowned head - people who have rushed from the beginning to the present to share in the blessing power of the blood of Christ. A wide ribbon runs under the skeleton and contains the abbreviated word from Isaiah 63 verse 3: I tread the wine press alone and there is no one among the people with me. That's why her fortune splashed on my robe . The top is an angel between two segmental arches. On the back of the altar are the names of donors who contributed to the procurement of the altar.

On the south wall of the church there is an almost life-size late Gothic crucifixion group from the beginning of the 15th century. It should come from the previous church.

The pulpit from 1665 rests on a Mosefigur and names the artist: Johann Edlewer , from whom the altar in the church in Mützenow (now Polish: Możdżanowo) in the Stolp (Słupsk) region comes from the same year.

The overall picture of the equipment and the colorful ceiling fit together harmoniously.

The Grupenhagen church has been a Protestant church since the Reformation . After Western Pomerania was placed under Polish administration after the Second World War , the church building was confiscated in favor of the Catholic Church in Poland. On February 2, 1946, the church was re-consecrated and has been called Kościół Matki Boskiej Ostrobramskiej ever since . It was formerly a Protestant parish church for the Grupenhagen parish, but today it is a Catholic branch church of the Stary Jarosław parish ( Alt Järshagen ), whose clergy now look after the community.



Until 1945 the vast majority of the population in Grupenhagen was Protestant . 15 clergymen have served here since the Reformation. 1611 took place in the parish Grupenhagen in the villages Sellen (today Polish: Zielnowo) and Schöningswalde (Sińczyca) were the parish, according Pomeranian Church Order a church visitation held that the Szczecin General Superintendent Jacob Faber undertook. Grupenhagen belonged to the Rügenwalde Synod in the ecclesiastical province of Pomerania, which later became the Church of the Old Prussian Union. In 1940 the parish had 827 parishioners, with the pastor also being charged with providing care during the war years from Alt Järshagen.

The majority of the population in Krupy has been Catholic since 1945 . The church has been used for masses since 1946. In 1974 the parish Stary Jarosław ( Alt Järshagen ) was established with the two subsidiary churches Kowalewice ( Alt Kugelwitz ) and Krupy. The parish belongs to the Darłowo deanery in the Köslin-Kolberg diocese . Evangelical church members living here are assigned to the parish Koszalin ( Köslin ) in the diocese of Pomerania-Greater Poland of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in Poland.


The name of the pastor Nicolaus Boltenhagen (around 1410) is known from the pre-Reformation period .

Since the Reformation, the following have officiated in Grupenhagen:

  1. Ambrosius Spliet, 1552-1560
  2. Laurentius Gehrdt, 1560–1562
  3. Petrus Schulz, 1563–1595
  4. Nikolaus Krause (Kroß, Kroes), 1596–1656
  5. Petrus Ratke, 1656–1685
  6. Ernst Hille, 1685–1707
  7. Joachim Pauli, 1707–1754
  8. Georg Wilhelm Löper, 1744–1754
  9. Friedrich Sagebaum, 1755–1798
  10. Carl Ludwig Arnold, 1798–1812
  11. Johann Christian Klütz, 1812–1828
  12. Karl Christian Koch, 1829–1837
  13. Johann Gottfried Ernst Sauer, 1837–1877
  14. Erdmann Friedrich Christoph Heberlein, 1879–1909
  15. Johannes Gottfried Wilhelm Heberlein (son of 14), 1909–1945

The current clergy of the Catholic Church no longer have their seat in Krupy, but in Stary Jarosław.

How to get there

The church is located on Voivodship Road 205 , which leads from Sławno ( Schlawe , 15 km) to Darłowo ( Rügenwalde , 8 km). The nearest train station is Sińczyca ( Schöningswalde , 4 km) to the PKP - Line 418 of Korzybie ( Zollbrück ) about Sławno Darłowo after.


  • Johannes Hinz: Pomerania. Signpost through an unforgettable country . Bechtermünz, Augsburg 1996, ISBN 3-86047-181-3 .
  • Hans Moderow , Ernst Müller: The evangelical clergy of Pomerania from the Reformation to the present. Edited due to the Steinbrück'schen Ms. . Part 2: Ernst Müller: The administrative district of Köslin . Sannier, Stettin 1912.
  • Heinrich Schulz: Pomeranian village churches east of the Oder. A book d. Memories . Beck, Herfort 1963.
  • Manfred Vollack (Ed.): The Schlawe district. A Pomeranian homeland book . Volume 2: The cities and rural communities . Husum-Druck- und Verlags-Gesellschaft, Husum 1989, ISBN 3-88042-337-7 .

Web links

Coordinates: 54 ° 25 ′ 27.9 ″  N , 16 ° 30 ′ 53 ″  E