ENRW energy supply Rottweil

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ENRW Energieversorgung Rottweil GmbH & Co. KG

legal form GmbH & Co. KG
founding 1999
Seat Rottweil , Germany
management Christoph Ranzinger
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Ralf Broß
Number of employees 137
sales EUR 80.69 million
Branch Energy suppliers , water suppliers , energy service providers , pools
Website www.enrw.de
As of December 31, 2018

The ENRW power Rottweil GmbH & Co. KG (ENRW) is a multi-utility companies with electricity, gas, water, heat, energy services and baths and is based in Rottweil . The shareholders are the city of Rottweil through ENRW Eigenbetrieb with 80 percent and EnBW Kommunale Beteiligungen GmbH with 20 percent. The ENRW power Rottweil GmbH & Co. KG is part of the network of companies ENRW with their own companies in the city of Rottweil "ENRW own Stadtentwässerung" and "ENRW own operation".


In addition to the city of Rottweil with all districts, the company's electricity network area extends to the following cities and communities in the districts of Rottweil and Schwarzwald-Baar : Deißlingen and Lauffen ob Rottweil , Dietingen , Dunningen district Lackendorf , Eschbronn district Locherhof , Königsfeld in the Black Forest district Weiler, Niedereschach district Fischbach and Zimmer ob Rottweil with the districts Horgen , Flözlingen and Stetten. In the cities and municipalities listed, ENRW is the basic supplier of electricity.

Network structure data electricity

Electricity supply area: 43,316 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2018)

Circuit lengths

  • Overhead lines
    • Medium voltage: 55  km
    • Low voltage (without house connections): 170 km
    • House connection lines: 7 km
    • Low voltage (with house connection lines): 177 km
  • Cable lines
    • Medium voltage: 237 km
    • Low voltage (without house connections): 331 km
    • House connection lines: 220 km
    • Low voltage (with house connection lines): 551 km

Since the liberalization of the electricity market , ENRW has also been offering electricity products outside of its network area.

The company generates energy exclusively from renewable sources and through combined heat and power .

Rottweil-Hausen biogas cogeneration plant

ENRW biogas plant
ENRW biogas plant

ENRW has been operating a biogas thermal power station in the Hausen district of Rottweiler since the end of 2007. The biogas cogeneration plant was developed on the basis of a scientifically supported citizens' report and generates environmentally friendly electricity for around 1,400 households and heat for around 170 residential buildings in Rottweil-Hausen every year. Only local farmers supply corn, grain and grass. Fermentation produces biogas, which is converted into electricity by combined heat and power plants. The digestate is then returned to the fields in a material cycle.

Rottweil-Hausen biogas cogeneration plant

  • Electric power: 526  kW
  • Thermal output: 560 kW
  • Electricity generation: approx. 4.4 million  kWh per year
  • Heat generation: approx. 4.5 million kWh per year

Utilization of sewage gas and sewage sludge

ENRW operates a heating and power plant operated with sewage gas in the Rottweil sewage treatment plant. The sewage sludge is first dewatered and then dried using the waste heat from a biogas plant. The resulting product has roughly the same calorific value as lignite. In the Dotternhausen cement works, the dried sewage sludge from Rottweil is used as a regenerative fuel, the ash can be used in cement production.

Sewage gas plant in Rottweil

  • Power: 180 kW
  • Electricity generation: approx. 920,000 kWh per year
  • Heat generation: approx. 1.4 million kWh per year


PV system on the Rottweiler town hall

ENRW operates photovoltaic systems at the following locations in Rottweil:

  • Aquasol brine and leisure pool
  • Rottweil town hall
  • ENRW building in the Neckar valley
  • Albertus Magnus High School
  • Leibniz Gymnasium
  • Climbing hall K5
  • Rottweiler outdoor pool
  • Elevated water tank rooms o. R.
  • "Rottweiler sun roof" The
    "Rottweiler sun roof" on the roof of the ddm Hopt + Schuler company building is a community system and one of the first public solar systems in Germany. 107 shares are in bourgeois hands, the remaining three shares are held by ENRW (as of 2013); The operator is ENRW.

Photovoltaic systems

  • Power: 400 kW
  • Electricity generation: around 400,000 kWh per year

Wind energy

The network area of ​​the ENRW is considered a windless area. In July 2011, ENRW therefore participated in the Baltic 1 offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea along with 18 other municipal utilities with a share of 500 kW. In total, the entire wind park with 21 wind turbines produces around 185 million kWh of electricity. In January 2013, ENRW took a stake in Windpool GmbH with an output of one megawatt. At the end of 2014, the Renewable Energies Landkreis Rottweil GmbH (KEER) cooperation was established to expand wind energy in the region.

Offshore wind turbine

Windpark Auf den Langen, participation in Windpool GmbH
  • Power: 500 kW
  • Electricity generation: approx. 2 million kWh per year

Onshore wind turbine

  • Power: 1,000 kW
  • Electricity generation: approx. 2 million kWh per year

Hydropower plant

ENRW operates its own hydropower plant at its operating site on the Neckar. In 2007/2008 the system was supplemented by a fish ladder .

Hydropower plant on the Neckar
  • Turbine system: 3,600 liters of water per second
  • Power: 75 kW
  • Electricity generation: approx. 425,000 kWh per year

E-bike filling station

An e-bike filling station has been in operation at the “aquasol Bad” since 2012 . The electricity used for this comes from the photovoltaic system on the roof of the bathroom and from a block-type thermal power station inside the building.

Gas division

The company's gas network area extends to the city of Rottweil with all districts of the following cities and municipalities in the rural districts of Rottweil and Tuttlingen: City of Spaichingen, municipalities of Aldingen, Bubsheim, Deilingen, Deißlingen and Lauffen, Denkingen, Frittlingen, Gosheim, Wehingen, Harras, Reichenbach, Wellendingen with the Wilflingen district and rooms. In the cities and communities listed, ENRW Energieversorgung Rottweil GmbH & Co. KG is the basic supplier of gas.

Network structure data gas

Gas supply area: 72,042 inhabitants

Length of the gas pipeline network including house connection lines

  • High pressure network: 28.5 km
  • Medium pressure network: 396.7 km
  • Low pressure network: 146.1 km
  • Total: 571.3 km (as of December 31, 2018)

Since the liberalization of the gas market, ENRW has also been offering gas products outside of its network area.

In the industrial area "Berner Feld" the ENRW operates a natural gas filling station for cars.

Water division

The ENRW supply area with drinking water includes the town of Rottweil with the districts of Bühlingen, Feckenhausen, Göllsdorf, Hausen, Neufra, Neukirch, Zepfenhan and Hochwald. The drinking water supplied comes from a source in the local Straubeleswald, from the Upper Neckar and Eschach water supply associations and, since 1958, from the Lake Constance water supply.

Own water pumping

Source Straubeleswald: 598,157   (as of December 31, 2017)

Water supply

  • Zweckverband Bodensee water supply: 712,798 m³
  • Upper Neckar association: 121,732 m³
  • Eschach water supply association: 51,857 m³
  • Total external water: 886,387 m³ (as of December 31, 2018)

water network

  • Extraction pipelines: 10.8 km
  • Feeder lines: 6.7 km
  • Supply lines: 147 km
  • House connection lines: 135.8 km
  • Total: 300.3 km (as of December 31, 2018)

Factory tours

  • since 1979: Management of the water supply in Spaichingen
  • since 2006: Management of the water supply in Denkingen

Heat sector

ENRW operates two large local heating networks in Rottweil-Hausen (10.35 km) and in the Rottweiler residential area Charlottenhöhe (14.9 km) including the school center there and the Rottweiler town hall. Another 28 smaller block-type thermal power stations and 13 condensing boilers are operated in the supply area. (As of December 31, 2018)

Cogeneration units

  • Electric power: 3,600 kW; Thermal output: 4,600 kW
  • Electricity generation: approx. 24 million kWh per year
  • Total heat generation: around 32 million kWh per year

Local heating networks

  • Output: 2,665 kW
  • Heat generation so far: around 25 million kWh per year

Energy services

The ENRW provides citizens with free and manufacturer-neutral advice on questions of energy consumption and the energy efficiency of buildings. On-site analyzes of buildings, the creation of building energy certificates , building thermography and blower door tests are also offered .


The ENRW operates the aquasol brine and leisure pool in Rottweil as the operator in the technical and economic cross- sector . It includes a sports pool, a fitness pool (30 degrees), an adventure pool with massage jets and floor jets (30 ° C), a 120-meter-long water slide , a water playground , an indoor brine pool (34 degrees), an outdoor brine pool (35 degrees) as well as a large sauna area in Roman style. The Rottweiler outdoor pool is also operated by ENRW and has a children's paddling pool, a fun pool with a small slide, a sports pool with diving board, a heated indoor pool, table tennis tables, a terrace café with a kiosk, beach volleyball fields, a sunbathing lawn and a playground with a water muddy area and play equipment.

Visitor numbers bathrooms

  • aquasol: 375,895
  • School swimming aquasol: 20,957
  • Sauna: 68,278
  • Therapy: 8,922
  • Outdoor swimming pool: 79.779
  • School swimming outdoor pool: 2,892
  • Total total: 556,723 (as of December 31, 2018)

Traffic division

On behalf of the city of Rottweil, the city bus routes 1 to 10 were operated from 1999 to August 31, 2013. The traffic area spatially comprised the area of ​​the city of Rottweil as well as the connection to the neighboring communities of Deißlingen, Dunningen and Zimmer. Due to EU legal requirements, the previous operator model could no longer be continued and ended when the license expired on August 31, 2013. Since September 1, 2013, Stadtbus Rottweil GmbH has been responsible for the city bus.

Web links

Commons : ENRW Energieversorgung Rottweil  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Annual financial statements as of December 31, 2018 in the electronic Federal Gazette

Coordinates: 48 ° 9 '58.3 "  N , 8 ° 38' 2.3"  E