Eckhard Deschler-Erb

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Eckhard Deschler-Erb (born January 26, 1963 ) is a German-Swiss provincial Roman archaeologist .


He completed his studies at the Universities of Mainz and Basel (1984–1986 / 1987–1989) in the subjects of prehistory, art history and medieval archeology in 1989 with a licentiate (Roman militaria of the 1st century AD from Augst and Kaiseraugst. Zur Question of the early fort) at the University of Basel , where he was an assistant at the seminar for prehistory and early history from 1990 to 1994. After his dissertation in 1995 at the University of Basel ( The small finds made of precious metal, non-ferrous metal and lead from the Vicus Vitudurum. Contributions to the Roman Oberwinterthur, excavation Unteres Bühl. Third-party funded projects (1995–2015)) he worked for the canton archaeologies of Aargau , Basel , Schaffhausen , Zurich , Solothurn and Wallis as well as in the Roman city of Augusta Raurica for the Augsburg Museum . He was involved in the design of exhibitions for the Vindonissa Museum Brugg and the co-organization of several international congresses. After completing his habilitation in 2008 at the University of Zurich (The Basler Münsterhügel at the transition from late Celtic to Roman times. An example of Romanization in northeastern Gaul) and being awarded the Venia Legendi for Provincial Roman and Prehistoric Archeology, he became a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute in 2013 . After teaching positions (2005–2015) in Roman provincial archeology at the University of Zurich, he became adjunct professor there in 2015 . From 2013 to 2016 he was Managing Director of the Institute for Archeology at the University of Zurich. Since March 2016 he has been teaching as a university professor for the archeology of the Roman provinces at the Archaeological Institute of the University of Cologne .

His main research interests are the north-west provinces, metropolises in the west, transitions between times and cultures, military issues and material issues.

Fonts (selection)

E. Deschler-Erb (Red.): Finds made of metal. A 3rd century lararium cabinet. Excavations in the Lower Bühl. In: Contributions to the Roman Oberwinterthur - Vitudurum 7. Monographs of Canton Archeology Zurich 27 (Zurich, Egg 1996).

E. Deschler-Erb: Ad arma! Roman military of the 1st century AD in Augusta Raurica . In: Forsch. In Augst 28 (Augst 1999).

E. Deschler-Erb et al .: Finds from Asciburgium. Roman military equipment from the fort and vicus of Asciburgium. In: Series of publications by the Lower Monument Authority, Vol. 17 (Duisburg 2012).

E. Deschler-Erb: Basel-Münsterhügel at the transition from late Celtic to Roman times. An example of Romanization in northeastern Gaul. In: Material booklets for archeology in Basel 22 A + B (= publication of the habilitation thesis) . With a contribution by Barbara Stopp (Basel 2011).

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