Edgar Carício de Gouvêa

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Edgar Carício de Gouvêa (born July 1, 1921 in Belém de Maria , Pernambuco , Brazil ; † April 12, 2000 in Bom Conselho ) was Bishop of Irecê .


Edgar de Carício Gouvêa received on 23 January 1944, the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On June 13, 1983, Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Irecê. The Bishop of Palmares , Acácio Rodrigues Alves , ordained him episcopal on September 8 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Garanhuns , Tiago Postma , and the Archbishop of Manaus , Milton Corrêa Pereira .

On March 2, 1994, John Paul II accepted Edgar Carício de Gouvêa's resignation.

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predecessor Office successor
Homero guide Meira Bishop of Irecê
João Maria Messi OSM