Homero guide Meira

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Homero guide Meira

Homero Leite Meira (born December 2, 1931 in Brumado , Bahia , † May 8, 2014 in Caetité , Bahia) was a Brazilian clergyman and bishop of Irecê .


Homero Leite Meira was ordained a priest on December 8, 1955 . He was director of the Caetité seminary and pastor in the cities of Urandi and Candeúba.

Pope John Paul II appointed him on November 7, 1978 first bishop of the diocese of Itabuna, established on the same date . The bishop of Caetité , Eliseu Maria Gomes de Oliveira OCarm , donated him episcopal ordination on December 27th of the same year ; Co- consecrators were José Terceiro de Sousa , Bishop Emeritus of Penedo , and Valfredo Bernardo Tepe OFM , Bishop of Ilhéus . His episcopal motto was light of hearts . He was particularly concerned about caring for the poor and the sick and was committed to pastoral care in prisons and hospitals.

On September 24, 1980 he was appointed the first bishop of the newly established diocese of Irecê . On June 13, 1983, John Paul II accepted his early resignation for health reasons.

Web links

Commons : Homero Leite Meira  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
--- Bishop of Itabuna
Eliseu Maria Gomes de Oliveira OCarm
--- Bishop of Irecê
Edgar Carício de Gouvêa