Eduard Behm

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Eduard Behm (born April 8, 1862 in Stettin , † February 6, 1946 in Bad Harzburg ) was a German pianist and composer .


The son of a doctor from Szczecin attended the city high school in Szczecin until he graduated from high school. In Stettin he received his first piano lessons from Karl Adolf Lorenz and Robert Seidel before he became a student of Carl Reinecke and Oscar Paul at the Leipzig Conservatory . After changing to Oskar Raif and Friedrich Kiel at the Berlin University , Behm took classes with Johannes Brahms in Vienna for a few months . After two years in his hometown of Stettin (as a reviewer and conductor ) and in Erfurt (as a teacher at the Academy of Music ), Behm was director of the Schwantzerscher Conservatory in Berlin until 1901 , later also working as a teacher and companion. In 1917 he was appointed royal professor.

Behm, who was stylistically close to German Romanticism in his works, received the Mendelssohn Prize for his symphony and the Bösendorfer Prize for his piano concerto . He wrote three violin sonatas, as well as a violin concerto, a piano trio, a clarinet quintet and a string sextet (with the violotta constructed by Alfred Stelzner ), a few songs and male choirs as well as the operas Der Schelm von Bergen (1899), Marienkind (1902) and The Vow (1914) . He also wrote the essays From my life (Deutsche Tonkünstlerzeitung IX) and a short autobiography (Musik in Pommern I, 1932).

Brehm died in the composer's home of the German composers' pension fund in Bad Harzburg .
