Eduard Puricelli

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Eduard Puricelli (born November 16, 1826 in Rheinböllerhütte , † December 4, 1893 in Trier ) was an entrepreneur from the Puricelli industrial family and a member of the Reichstag of the North German Confederation .


His ancestor Giacomo Antonio Puricelli (* 1719; † unknown) came from Lake Como . His father Heinrich Puricelli (1797–1876) and his brothers Friedrich Ludwig (1792–1880) and Carl II. Theodor (1784–1872) owned the Rheinböllerhütte . His mother was Eugenia Traschier (1807–1873). As a 9-year-old, Eduard attended de Laspéesche educational institution in Wiesbaden from 1835 to 1839 . From 1854 he worked in the family's Krefeld gasworks. In 1860, at the age of 34, he bought a gas works in Trier and in 1865 signed a long-term gas supply contract with the city of Trier. Even before the invention of electricity or the light bulb, he brought light into cities and houses. In addition to building up a coal gas supply, he acquired stakes in the ore supply of his own company. a. in Nancy , was co-owner of a metallurgical company with branches in Trier and Rheinböllen . At times he was one of the richest citizens of the city of Krefeld. On January 28, 1880, he married Hyacinthe Gertrud Reckling (1832-1899). He also acquired the Freiherr von Schorlemer winery, later named after his son-in-law .

In 1867 he was a member of the newly elected Reichstag of the North German Confederation for the constituency of Trier 3 ( Trier City ). After its constitution , he joined the free conservative association .

He donated u. a. the orphanage Helenenberg , the shrine for the Holy Rock relic , the Puricelli Foundation in Rheinböllen and the Voltmann organ for the parish church of St. Peter in Lieser .

Eduard had two sisters. Eugénie Puricelli (1840–1862), called Jenny, died of tuberculosis at the age of 21. His sister Franziska Puricelli (1830-1896), called Fanny, who was four years younger than him, survived him by three years. She was married to her cousin Carl III (1824–1911) and died at the age of 66 as a respected founder of the city of Bad Kreuznach.

Puricelli's two sons died early. His only daughter Maria Helena Henrietta Brigitta Puricelli (born February 1, 1855 in Krefeld, † 1936) married the high Prussian civil servant Clemens Freiherr von Schorlemer-Lieser in 1880 . After Schorlemer moved to Koblenz in 1905, they had a magnificent Lieser Castle built near Bernkastel-Kues and from then on called themselves Barons von Schorlemer-Lieser. Even Kaiser Wilhelm II was one of their numerous guests. Today it's a hotel.

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Individual evidence

  1. Bernd Haunfelder , Klaus Erich Pollmann : Reichstag of the North German Confederation 1867-1870. Historical photographs and biographical handbook (= photo documents on the history of parliamentarism and political parties. Volume 2). Droste, Düsseldorf 1989, ISBN 3-7700-5151-3 , short biography p. 450.
  2. ^ Fritz Specht, Paul Schwabe: The Reichstag elections from 1867 to 1903. Statistics of the Reichstag elections together with the programs of the parties and a list of the elected representatives. 2nd Edition. Carl Heymann Verlag, Berlin 1904, p. 178.
  3. Archive link ( Memento from November 19, 2010 in the Internet Archive )