Bartolomeo Berrettaro

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Bartolomeo Berrettaro (active from 1499 ; † August / September 1524 in Alcamo ) was a Renaissance marble sculptor from Carrara who was active in Sicily .


Before 1499, Berrattaro came to Alcamo from Carrara and founded a workshop there. In Palermo he worked occasionally with Antonello Gagini . Around the same time, Giuliano Mancino from Carrara joined them, with whom he ran the workshop together. In 1504 documents in Alcamo identify him as the owner of land.

In 1517 Mancino and Berrattaro dissolved their workshop community and from then on worked separately. From 1523 a collaboration with his brother Antonio Berrettaro is documented.

Berrettaro left numerous sculptural works in Sicily. No works have survived from his son, the sculptor Antonino Berrattaro.

Work (selection)

  • Chiesa Maria Santissima Assunta (Alcamo): marble portal (1499)
  • Chiesa di Sant'Agostino (Palermo) : construction of the side portal (with Giuliano Mancino) at the end of the 15th century
  • Chiesa di Santa Margherita ( Sciacca ): “The Martyrdom of Saint Margaret” (with Giuliano Mancino) 1504–12
  • Chiesa Madre Santa Maria Assunta ( Polizzi Generosa ): Madonna and Child (1508), as well as a baby Jesus and two allegorical figures; Child and Prophets ”1509–1512 (with Giuliano Mancino). In 1522 he also created a custodia
  • Chiesa di San Giorgio ( Modica ): Madonna della Neve (with Giuliano Mancino) 1511
  • Chiesa di San Silvestro Papa ( Calatafimi Segesta ): Madonna, Child and Saints (1512)
  • Duomo St. Nicola ( Termini Imerese ): Four statues of saints (Peter, Paul, John the Baptist and James), and marble reliefs with scenes from the lives of the saints, as well as a “Madonna enthroned” with Giuliano Mancino
  • Chiesa Matrice Vecchia ( Castelbuono ): "Santa Maria degli Angeli" (1520)
  • Cattedrale Santissimo Salvatore ( Mazara del Vallo ): church door with figures with scenes from the life of St. Aegidius ”(1525)
  • Chiesa di Santa Maria la Nova ( Chiaramonte Gulfi ): Madonna and Child (with Giuliano Mancino)
  • Chiesa Madre SS. Trinita ( Castronovo di Sicilia ): Madonna della Candelora
  • Chiesa Madre ( Marsala ): marble arch with reliefs (together with the brother Antonio and after the death of Antonello Gagini with his son Giandomenico (1515–1527))
  • Chiesa Matrice ( Petralia Sottana ) marble statues (together with Antonello Gagini, completed in 1527 by his brother Antonio and Francesco del Mastro)
  • Chiesa di San Giorgio ( Pizzo (Calabria) ): Relief with Pietà and lunette with God the Father (together with his brother Antonio)
  • Chiesa di Sant'Antonio da Padova ( Salemi ): marble statue of Francis of Assisi (with his brother Antonio)


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