Edward McCartan

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Edward McCartan
Signature Edward McCartan

Edward Francis McCartan (born August 16, 1879 in Albany, New York , United States , † September 20, 1947 in New Rochelle , United States) was an American sculptor .


The son of Irish immigrants Michael McCartan and Anna Hyland studied initially as a teenager at the Pratt Institute in New York district of Brooklyn with the sculptor Herbert Adams . From 1901 he attended the Art Students League of New York , where he was instructed by George Gray Barnard and Hermon Atkins MacNeil in sculpture and by Kenyon Cox and Bryson Burroughs in drawing. After his father's death, McCartan's mother had moved to New York City, which he was able to support financially by working as an assistant to Herbert Adams, Hermon Atkins MacNeil, Karl Bitter , Isidore Konti , Francois Tonetti , John Massey Rhind and other sculptors.

Rhind gave McCartan an order for a statue of Mexican President Benito Juárez in Mexico City , which he completed in 1906. With the payment for his work, he financed a trip to France, where he studied from 1907 for three years with the sculptor Jean-Antoine Injalbert at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris . Here he also exhibited at the Salons de Paris . Much of his work was in the Art Deco style. In Paris in 1908 he began work on his marble group The Kiss, in the style of Auguste Rodin (today in the Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo , New York), which he did not complete until 1924.

In 1910, McCartan returned to the United States, where he helped his former teacher, Herbert Adams, create the McMillan fountain , which was set up on the site of the McMillan Reservoir near Bloomingdale in Washington, DC in 1912 . He continued his assistant work at MacNeil, Rhind, Konti and Tonetti until he moved into his own studio in New York in 1913. From 1914 McCartan taught at the School of Beaux-Arts Architects (later the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design ) in New York, where he instructed numerous American sculptors in ornamentation for neoclassical buildings. In 1924 he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters . Between 1926 and 1929 he taught at the Art Students League of New York art school . He attended the American Academy in Rome for a few months in 1936 .

McCartan was a heavy smoker and developed a smoker's lung in the late 1930s , which diminished his creativity. Apart from a few portraits, he hardly received any commissions. From 1943 until his death in 1947 he was the director of the Rinehart School of Sculpture in Baltimore , Maryland . McCartan died penniless and was laid to rest in St. Agnes Cemetery in Menands, New York. The National Sculpture Society paid for his funeral.

Works (selection)



Web links

Commons : Edward McCartan  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Members: Edward McCartan. American Academy of Arts and Letters, accessed April 13, 2019 .
  2. Solving a mystery of the deep - Stolen War Memorial statue found by police divers in candgnews.com on May 6, 2009. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on May 15, 2009 ; Retrieved May 16, 2009 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.candgnews.com