A man in his prime

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German title A man in his prime
Original title 10 North Frederick
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1958
length 102 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Philip Dunne
script Philip Dunne
production Charles Brackett
music Leigh Harline
camera Joseph MacDonald
cut David Bretherton

A Man in His Prime is a 1958 American melodrama directed by Philip Dunne and starring Gary Cooper .


Joe Chapin is a respected attorney in the city of Gibbsville, Pennsylvania. He is married to the wealthy Edith Chapin, who is vigorously pursuing his social advancement, but which he only goes along with reluctance and reluctance. With the help of her wealth and influence, she tries by all means to get Joe elected to the office of lieutenant governor.

In order to preserve the family's reputation, Edith prevents her son Joby from leaving boarding school for a career as a jazz musician. Joby joins the army. When daughter Ann becomes pregnant by the young musician Charley Bongiorno and secretly marries him, her mother manages through her political network with Mike Slattery and Lloyd Williams that Charley has the marriage annulled and he leaves her. Anne suffers a miscarriage and leaves her parents disappointed for New York.

When the party leaders heard of the affair, they feared the election victory and dropped Joe, who resigned from the candidacy. There is an argument between Edith and Joe, in which she accuses him of incompetence. He learns of his wife's previous love affair with Lloyd. Joe drowns his grief in alcohol. To get in contact with his daughter again, he travels to New York. He meets the young Kate Drummond, who is a roommate of his daughter. They both fall in love. As a token of his love, he gives Kate an old family heirloom, a ruby. When he notices that people only see him as their father, he ends the relationship because he sees no future due to the too great age difference.

His years of alcohol consumption eventually ruined his health. However, Joe refuses medical help. Ann returns when she learns that her father is dying. Shortly before his death, he learns from his daughter, who knows nothing about the affair with Kate, that Kate still loves him despite their upcoming wedding. During the funeral, Joby blames his mother and her political friends for his father's downfall. Ann helps Kate prepare for the wedding and finds her father's ruby ​​with her. She learns about her father's happy time with Kate.


"Melodrama constructed from an American bestseller, flat Germanized, rigidly photographed and with futile acting efforts."


The screenplay by Philip Dunne was based on the novel Ten North Frederick by John O'Hara .

For screenwriter and director Philip Dunne, it was the only collaboration with lead actor Gary Cooper. Originally, Spencer Tracy was slated for the lead role, but he canceled to take the title role in The Last Hurray .

The 20th Century Fox brought the in CinemaScope film shot in 1958 in the West German cinemas. In this dubbed version, which is still in use today, Gary Cooper got the voice of Paul Klinger .


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Individual evidence

  1. A man in his prime. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used