Almost a decent girl

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Original title Almost a decent girl
Country of production Germany , Spain
original language German , Spanish
Publishing year 1963
length 96 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Ladislao Vajda
script Hans Jacoby
István Békeffy
production Hermann Schwerin
for Fono-Film Berlin and
Chamartin Producciones y Distribuciones Cinematograficas SA, Madrid
music Manuel Parada
camera Günther Anders
cut Antonio Ramírez de Loaysa

An almost decent girl is a German-Spanish love story by Ladislao Vajda from 1963 . In Spain it started formally under the title Una chica casi .


Because of her knowledge of Spanish, secretary Lili Steiner is taken to Spain by her chief general manager Steckler for a working week. A colleague asks her to buy her a leather skirt and, because of the customs regulations, to wear it for a day herself so that it doesn't look new. Other colleagues give Lili good advice on what to see in Madrid. When Steckler didn't need her for dictation until the afternoon of the first day, Lili set off. First, she orders breakfast in a café, where she meets various Spaniards: José is a tourist photographer, but hardly anyone uses his services, so that he cannot pay for an operation for his sister, who has a long nose and therefore cannot find a friend . Manuelo tries in vain to sell ties, Rodriguez never has enough customers in his café and therefore cannot marry, Pepe struggles to shine and Alvarez has hardly any customers as a taxi driver because his car is an old model. Everyone is hoping for a miracle to save their situation; but Lili is convinced that no miracle is necessary. With a lot of ambition, will and hard work you can save yourself from any situation.

Next, she goes out to buy the leather skirt for her colleague, which she leaves in the store. She attracts the attention of the men and when she asks the way to the Don Quixote monument and twinkles one eye because some soot has flown into it, the young Carlos brings her to his apartment without further ado. Lili is outraged and explains the wink; both now visit the real Quixote memorial and arrange to meet for the next day. When Lili goes back to the hotel in the mini leather skirt, she also attracts the eyes of her boss. He immediately invites her to a drink the next day and makes it clear to her that although he is married, he has nothing wrong with a lover. Lili escapes from his room in an unobserved moment and meets with Carlos, with whom she is traveling through Madrid. Carlos is the most famous television presenter in Spain, but at the same time rather poor. He loves Lili and wants to marry her, but Lili rejects him because they don't have enough money for their own household. She wants to go back to Düsseldorf, where Steckler has offered her a job as a private secretary. Carlos reacts angry and hurt, especially since his family would accept Lili as his wife.

In the café, Lili is hoping for a miracle. The other men in the café also need one and so they play football pools. All games of the day after their outcome must be correctly guessed. If you guess all 14 games correctly, you will usually win several million pesetas and have taken care of things. All men type the same thing as Lili and in the end it turns out that they have all 14 correct numbers. Although the amount of their winnings has not yet been determined, all of their wishes come true: José takes his sister to the plastic surgeon that night to operate the nose. Manuelo gives away all the ties he has, while Rodriguez immediately marries his girlfriend. Alvarez buys a new taxi and Lili organizes an apartment for herself and Carlos and furnishes it with new furniture. Carlos turns up in the middle of the renovation and is irritated because Lili has not told him about her win. A little later the furniture manufacturer appears and tells Lili that he will take his furniture back with him. Lili has 14 correct numbers, but also other players, so that everyone receives less than 5000 pesetas. Lili and the men are desperate, but their action turns out to be the right one. Manuelo receives money from everyone who received his tie as a gift, Alvarez has an influx of customers with his new taxi and now earns enough to pay off the new car in installments, the cosmetic surgeon agrees a lower price with José and Rodriguez is not more jealous of his wife as she is now absolutely loyal to him. Lili, in turn, would agree to live with Carlos in his family's large apartment for the time being, but Carlos wants to keep the apartment. He goes to his boss and negotiates with him for a better position, including a raise - and gets both.


An almost decent girl was filmed from May 2 to June 30, 1963 in Madrid and the surrounding area, as well as in the Sevilla Films Studios Madrid. The film celebrated its cinema premiere on October 10, 1963, and was shown for the first time on ZDF on May 24, 1969 . It was Vajda's last completed production.

The film is unmistakably based on the Doris Day comedy A Touch of Mink , made the year before .


For the film service , An Almost Decent Girl was a "moderately exhilarating star comedy."

Cinema wrote: “It's a shame, but even Lilo Pulver […] can't spice up this staid farce. [...] Conclusion: Was that really frivolous and funny at the time? "

For the Protestant film observer , the strip was an undemanding consumer film that one could just watch from the age of 16.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. An almost decent girl. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  2. See
  3. Evangelischer Presseverband München, Review No. 571/1963