Railway family

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Original title Railway family
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1984
length 41 minutes
Director Karlheinz mouth
script Rolf Liebmann
Karlheinz Mund
production DEFA studio for documentary films on behalf of the television of the GDR
music Gerhard Rosenfeld
camera Wolfgang Dietzel
cut Angela Wendt

Eisenbahnerfamilie is a documentary film by the DEFA studio for documentary films on behalf of the East German television by Karlheinz Mund from 1984 .


In 1963 Karlheinz Mund shot his diploma film at the University of Film and Television. The main actor in this film was Edith, one of the first female train drivers for the Deutsche Reichsbahn . Today, twenty years later and Edith is now in her mid-40s, she watches the old film again at the editing table in the DEFA studio with her husband Dieter, their daughter Andrea, their granddaughter Nadine and their mentally disabled son Torsten. It's the first day of shooting.

Edith has meanwhile become the Reichsbahn-Oberamtmann, studied engineering economics while she was a train driver and is now the chief accountant's agent in one of the Halle depot . Although she now works in the office, she still feels at home in the engine shed. A big turning point in her life was the birth of her now 15-year-old son Torsten, who was born with brain damage. He is considered to be unable to educate and Edith had to start her life from scratch after his birth. Every day at 3:30 p.m. she picks up Torsten from the children's facility. She now leads a life by the clock. Most of the time, she also picks up her granddaughter, because Andrea works in shifts. Despite the stresses and strains, Edith was always working, only in the first year of her son's life did she sometimes work shortened.

The daughter Andrea is 20 years old and a skilled worker for rail transport technology. She has temporarily suspended her studies at the engineering school in Gotha and now has to repeat another exam. Now she works as a dispatcher in a signal box near Reussen train station . This is work that she enjoys, because it has to do with technology and strength; a job in the office would not be an option for her. In the signal box she talks about her life and how she got this job. We learn that she became pregnant when she was 15 years old. But she still has a desire for adventure.

We get to know Dieter during a control run on an electric locomotive, because he is the head of the train driver's department and that is part of his job. He was already working on them in the days of steam locomotives; his ancestors had been employed by the railroad since 1840. When he married Edith after his divorce from his first wife, they resolved that neither the marriage nor the job should be neglected. He tells how he found out about his son's disability that it was a shock to him at first. But when it came to how things should go with Torsten, he and Edith agreed to raise him in their own family. Today Dieter realizes that it was a difficult time, but both are happy about what they have achieved with the boy. Living together with the granddaughter also has a positive effect on Torsten, because he also benefits from learning together.

Production and publication

Railway family was by CGI document on ORWO -Color, with frequent black and white film - sequences from the diploma film Karlheinz Munds 15,000 volts of 1963 in the Academy of Film and Television of the GDR , on behalf of the television of the GDR turned.

The premiere took place on January 17, 1984 in the first program of the GDR television . The first screening on the big screen on January 19, 1984 was part of the event series Documentaries about yesterday and today , which was organized by the Club of Working People Bruno Apitz in cooperation with the DEFA studio for documentary film in the information center at the television tower .


Henryk Goldberg expressed himself as follows in Neues Deutschland :

“20 years ago, Karl-Heinz Mund made his diploma film about the exemplary woman, now he used the old material as a kind of introduction to a family portrait, which can be said to be of benchmark quality for television journalistic work. This quality results on the one hand from the happy choice of partners and on the other hand from the ability to sensitively find a narrative style that corresponds to these partners, a cinematic technique that arises from the lifestyle, the mentality of the portrayed and not from this or that aesthetic conception of the Director. The respect with which Mund approaches his family of railway workers was also carried over to the viewer. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Neue Zeit of January 14, 1984, p. 9
  2. Neues Deutschland from January 20, 1984, p. 4