Eleonore Staimer

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Eleonore "Lore" Staimer , née Pieck (born April 14, 1906 in Bremen ; † November 7, 1998 in Berlin ) was a diplomat of the GDR and daughter of the President of the GDR Wilhelm Pieck .


As the daughter of the KPD leader Wilhelm Pieck, she worked as a shorthand typist after attending primary school. In 1920 she joined the KPD and in 1923 became a secretary in the central committee of the KPD. At the same time she was an employee of the KPD parliamentary group in the Prussian state parliament . In 1930 she worked for the Soviet trade agency in Berlin, and in 1932 also worked in the People's Commissariat for Foreign Trade in Moscow. After the National Socialists came to power in 1933, she went into exile in Moscow and worked for the “ International Red Aid ” (IRH). After the German invasion of the Soviet Union , she was evacuated to Ufa in 1941 and was a student at the Comintern School in Kuschnarenkowo in 1941/42. She later worked as an editorial assistant for the broadcaster of the National Committee for Free Germany in Moscow.

On May 28, 1945 she returned to Germany with her sister-in-law Grete Lode-Pieck and began a brief job in the editorial office of the Deutsche Zeitung in Stettin . Until August 1945 she was deputy head of the cultural department in the Mecklenburg KPD regional leadership in Schwerin. After that she was head of the business department of the secretariat or central secretariat of the KPD / SED until 1949 . After the founding of the GDR in October 1949, she found a job as head of the main foreign trade department in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Material Supply . From October 1953 to January 1957 she was State Secretary and Deputy Minister in this ministry. In January 1958 she switched to the diplomatic service and became the GDR's envoy in Yugoslavia . From October 1966 to February 1969 she was the GDR's first ambassador to Yugoslavia. She then worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the GDR until October 1970 . From November 1, 1970 she was deputy director general of the GDR travel agency for international tourism, public relations and market research. In 1975 she retired and was then a member of the Berlin district committee of the GDR's anti-fascist resistance fighters .


She was married from 1939 to 1945 to Josef Springer , an employee of the EKKI, and her second marriage from 1947 to 1954 to Richard Staimer .

