Eliezer Traugott Rooster

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Elieser Traugott Hahn (also Traugott Hahn Sr .; born August 15, 1848 in Komachas ( South Africa ), † March 19, 1939 in Burgdorf ), was a German-Baltic Lutheran pastor and evangelist .


Born as the son of the missionary Carl Hugo Hahn , Traugott spent his school days in Bielefeld and Gütersloh . He then studied theology for a semester in Berlin in 1867 , where he joined the Berlin Wingolf . After this semester he moved to Dorpat , where he completed his studies in 1870. Here began a lifelong friendship with the later church historian Nathanael Bonwetsch . With this and other theology students, Hahn founded the Theological Association in Dorpat in 1867 , whose first scientific adviser was Wilhelm Volckhas been. After his consistorial exam, he spent a year of probation with Pastor Carl Maurach in Oberpahlen ( Livonia ). As a pastor he worked in Wolde ( Ösel ), Rauge (Livonia) and finally from 1886 to 1918 at St. Olaikirche in Reval , where he was awarded the Golden Preacher Cross. During his time in Reval Hahn was also senior teacher of religion at the Gouvernements-Gymnasium and deputy director of the deaconess house . Hahn was particularly interested in evangelism and the Inner Mission and was chairman of the Central Council of the St. John's Association for Inner Mission from 1906 to 1914 , which corresponded to the Central Committee for Inner Mission in the Baltic States . Furthermore, he campaigned for Germanness in the Baltic States and was a board member of the German Association in Estonia , which ensured that he was exiled to Eisseysk in Siberia during the First World War from 1915 to 1917 . After his return in 1918 he became a representative of the Estonian clergy in the National Council in Riga . In the course of the Bolshevik Revolution , Traugott Hahn fled from the Bolsheviks to Germany in 1918 . Here he worked as an evangelist until 1930 and lived in Gütersloh, Frankfurt and Burgdorf.

Traugott Hahn Sr. was married to Rosalie, geb. Pahling († 1905). From their marriage u. a. the practical theologian and martyr Traugott Hahn Jr. and the Saxon regional bishop Hugo Hahn stand out.

In 1918 the University of Göttingen awarded him an honorary doctorate .

Publications (selection)

  • The last time and the completion of the church of our Lord Jesus , Gütersloh 1921.
  • Jesus' school of prayer with his disciples. Eight evangelism speeches , Gütersloh 1921.
  • The Christian life in the light of the ten holy commandments. Ten evangelism speeches held in the Lukas Church in Frankfurt aM , Gütersloh 1926.
  • Of the power of belief and confession. Thoughts and powers from the time of the Reformation. Eight evangelism speeches , Gütersloh 1926.
  • Pastor D. Traugott Hahn 1848–1939. Memoirs , Stuttgart 1940.


  • Erik Thomson : Traugott Hahn. Pastor and people's missionary , Lahr 1959.
  • Wilhelm Hahn : The reputation is always new. From 200 years of the Hahn family of theologians , Holzgerlingen 2002.

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