Elimar Murken

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Gustav Friedrich Elimar Murken (born January 10, 1870 in Oldisleben , † June 24, 1946 in Oldenburg (Oldb) ) was a German lawyer, bank director and politician.


Murken was the son of the Varel- born Küperst daughter Catharina Murken, who was employed as a housekeeper by the city director Dietrich Klävemann . Later on, C. Schuster was accepted as a foster son by the town's landowner in Wurzen in the Grand Duchy of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach , where he attended grammar school from 1880 to 1889. Until 1893 he studied law at the University of Leipzig . While still a student, he applied for admission to the legal preparatory service of the judicial administration of the Grand Duchy, but was rejected because he did not have Saxon citizenship. After an additional semester at the University of Strasbourg in the realm of Alsace-Lorraine , he passed the first state law examination in Colmar in 1894 and began his preparatory service in the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg the following year . There he went through the usual training stations and passed the second state examination in 1899.

He then worked for the Delmenhorst city ​​administration and in 1902 became city syndic in Oldenburg. He left the municipal service on June 1, 1907 at his own request and joined the management of the Oldenburgische Spar- und Leihbank as a legal member , to which he belonged until the merger of this bank with the Oldenburgische Landesbank in 1935. After his retirement, Murken became involved in the Association of Small Pensioners and, from 1941, was also legal counsel for the Weser-Ems regional farmers' association . With his activities as a board member of the museum society and his membership in the Oldenburgische Liedertafel and since 1915 in the literary-sociable association , he was also very active in society.

From 1919 Murken was also involved in politics when he joined the newly founded German Democratic Party (DDP) that year . He was a member of the constituent state assembly of 1919 as well as the two subsequent Oldenburg state parliaments and from 1919 also a member of the Oldenburg city ​​council . On December 20, 1921, he resigned his seat in the state parliament, but kept his seat on the city council, where he was mainly involved in the theater committee for the maintenance of the state theater. In 1931 he also resigned from the city council.


Murken was with Anna Elisabeth born in Delmenhorst. Hoyer (1876–1948) married, the couple had two sons.


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