Elisa Springer

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Elisa Springer (born February 12, 1918 in Vienna , Austria-Hungary ; died September 19, 2004 in Matera ) was an Austro-Italian Holocaust survivor .


Elisa Springer was the daughter of the Jewish textile merchant Richard Springer and Sidonia Bauer, her grandfather Elkan Bauer was a composer of waltz music . The actor Armin Springer was a brother of the father. She grew up in Vienna. After the annexation of Austria , Richard Springer was deported to the Buchenwald concentration camp and murdered on December 28, 1938. Elisa and her mother were expelled from their apartment at Strozzigasse 32-34 during the Night of the Reichspogrom on November 9, 1938 , the Aryan family still lived there at the end of the 1990s. The trace of her mother is lost in 1944 during the German persecution of the Jews in Budapest , to which she had fled.

Elisa Springer married the Italian Eliezer Joseph Alfassa in 1939 and fled to Milan in 1940 , where she went into hiding with a false identity. Springer was betrayed in 1944 and arrested in Milan. Via Verona she was deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp , where she received the prisoner number A-24020 as a tattoo on August 2nd. She was transferred to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where she met the prisoner Anne Frank . Eventually she got into the Theresienstadt concentration camp during death marches , where she was liberated on May 5, 1945. Springer returned to Italy in 1946. She lived in Manduria .

It was not until the age of 68 that she told her son about her persecution and the concentration camp imprisonment. Springer wrote two autobiographical books and has now appeared in public as a contemporary witness . She also looked after the musical legacy of her grandfather, who had been murdered in the Theresienstadt ghetto. Springer was made an honorary citizen of Matera in 2002.


  • Il silenzio dei vivi, all'ombra di Auschwitz, un racconto di morte e di resurrezione . Venice: Marsilio, 1997, ISBN 978-88-317-6602-9 PDF
    • The silence of the living: in the shadow of Auschwitz, a tale of death and resurrection . Foreword by Marina Beelke. Authorized translation Rainer Mayerhoer, Melina Beelke. Edited by Siegfried Heinrichs . Berlin: Oberbaum, 1998 ISBN 3-928254-47-2
    • Milczenie żywych: w cieniu Auschwitz, opowieść o śmierci i zmartwychwstaniu . Translation Krystyna and Eugeniusz Kabatcowie. Auschwitz: Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau, 2001 ISBN 83-88526-02-2
  • L'eco del silenzio. La Shoah raccontata ai giovani . Venice: Marsilio, 2003, ISBN 978-88-317-8178-7
  • Nicola Magrone : Codice breve del razzismo fascista: stato totalitario e democrazia costituzionale, la “questione razziale” . Con una testimonianza di Elisa Springer. Bari: Edizioni Dall'interno-Sudcritica: Fondazione Popoli & costituzioni, 2004

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Elisa Springer: Il silenzio dei vivi , 1997, p. 9
  2. Elisa Springer: Il silenzio dei vivi , 1997, p. 8
  3. Elisa Springer: Il silenzio dei vivi , 1997, p. 13f.
  4. Elisa Springer: Il silenzio dei vivi , 1997, p. 6; P. 12
  5. Elisa Springer: Il silenzio dei vivi , 1997, p. 49
  6. a b There was food at the stove , in: Wiener Zeitung , November 6, 1998
  7. Elisa Springer: Il silenzio dei vivi , 1997, p. 16
  8. Elisa Springer: Il silenzio dei vivi , 1997, p. 19
  9. Elisa Springer: Il silenzio dei vivi , 1997, p. 20
  10. Elisa Springer: Il silenzio dei vivi , 1997, p. 24
  11. Elisa Springer: Il silenzio dei vivi , 1997, p. 29
  12. Elisa Springer: Il silenzio dei vivi , 1997, p. 35
  13. Daniela Pizzagalli: Elisa Springer: i miei giorni nel storage con Anna Frank , in: Avvenire , 28 May 2003 at Le nostre radici