Emil A. Stadelhofer

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Emil Anton Stadelhofer (born January 1, 1915 in Schaffhausen ; † August 23, 1977 in Djursholm near Stockholm , Sweden) was a Swiss diplomat . Among other things, he was the Swiss ambassador to Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis and at the same time he represented US interests during this phase.


Stadelhofer grew up as the son of a Catholic authorized signatory in Schaffhausen and attended the canton school there . Between 1933 and 1940 he studied law at the Universities of Lausanne and Zurich , which he completed with a doctorate from the University of Zurich. He then completed an internship in Curt Labhart's office in Schaffhausen and was granted a patent as a lawyer in 1942 . In the same year he joined the EPD at that time , worked 1944–1951 as a representative in Berlin , 1952 as the deputy Swiss envoy in Cologne , completed a traineeship in the trade department of the EVD from 1953–1954 , was briefly in Prague and Berlin again in 1954 , 1955– 1958 then as a delegation councilor in Buenos Aires and 1958–1961 as deputy head of the delegation to the OECD in Paris .

In 1961 - shortly after the revolution there by Fidel Castro - Stadelhofer took over the office of Swiss ambassador to Havana , where he was in a difficult phase and a. also represented US interests. Ambassador Stadelhofer is said to have had a very special relationship with Fidel Castro, with whom he often discussed for hours and, as a climax, negotiated an agreement on the emigration of more than 200,000 Cubans to the USA. He stayed in Cuba until early 1967.

Between 1967 and 1971, Stadelhofer then worked as ambassador to Tokyo ( Japan ). In 1971 he moved to Brasília as ambassador . During this time, the Swiss embassy was moved from Rio de Janeiro to Brasília in 1972. Stadelhofer stayed there until 1976 and from 1977 he was ambassador to Stockholm , where he died in office in Djursholm that same year .


Stadelhofer married his childhood friend Anne Rose Straumann in January 1968, and their daughter was born in 1970.


  • Emil Stadelhofer. The administration of administrative justice in the canton of Schaffhausen , Schaffhausen 1943.


  • Erwin Waldvogel: Emil Anton Stadelhofer - a memorial . Schaffhausen 1979.
  • Hermann Wanner: Emil Anton Stadelhofer . In: Schaffhauser Contributions to History. Biographies Volume IV . 58th year 1981, pp. 313-324 ( PDF; 368 kB )

Web links


  • Federal archive, reports from various foreign representations
  • Federal Archives, personal dossier Emil A. Stadelhofer
  • Conversations with Dr. Matthias Wipf with u. a. Anne Rose Stadelhofer-Straumann (widow, April 20, 2000) , Julie-Antoinette Stadelhofer (daughter, April 20, 2000) and Dr. Ernst Steiner (November 30, 2000) and a letter from Dr. Felix Schwank (November 24, 2000) .

Individual evidence

  1. photos of Stadelhofer talking with Fidel Castro in the database Dodis the Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland
  2. ^ Hermann Wanner: Emil Anton Stadelhofer . In: Schaffhauser Contributions to History. Biographies Volume IV . 58th year 1981, p. 316. ( PDF; 368 kB )
predecessor Office successor
Walter Bossi Swiss ambassador in Havana
Alfred Fischli
Jean de Rham Swiss ambassador to Tokyo
Giovanni Enrico Bucher
Giovanni Enrico Bucher Swiss ambassador in Brasília
Max Feller
Bernard Turrettini Swiss ambassador in Stockholm
Jacques-Bernard Rüedi