Emil Heinrich Taube

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Emil Heinrich Taube (born December 15, 1819 in Liebenwerda , † December 15, 1892 in Danzig ) was a German Lutheran theologian and writer .


Emil Henry Taube in 1819 in Liebenwerda in Elbe-Elster region born and attended in Zeitz the school . He studied theology in Halle . In Halle he was Amanuensis of the theologian August Tholuck who worked here and who taught at the University of Halle .

In 1844, Dove was first curate in Giebichenstein and a year later as a parish adjunkt in Uckermark Güstow ordained. From 1849 to 1864 he was pastor in Unterbarmen and became superintendent of the Diocese of Elberfeld - Barmen . He was also a councilor here. From 1864 he was pastor and superintendent in Bromberg , and from 1883 first general superintendent of the newly created church province of West Prussia . Because of his office, he initially lived in Koenigsberg , but later moved to Danzig. Here he died in 1892 on his 73rd birthday as a result of a stroke .

Works (selection)

  • Forty-three sermons on consecutive texts from Genesis ..., 1858 (2nd, verb. And possibly. Ed. 1888);
  • Brief exposition of the twenty-five psalms as an attempt at a practical explanation of the psalms to stimulate and promote knowledge of the scriptures, 1858 (2nd, revised edition 1880; 4th, complete edition 1892);
  • Brief interpretation of the second twenty-five psalms ..., 1859 (2nd, revised edition 1880; 4th, complete edition 1892);
  • About temperaments and their influence on the religious and moral development of man. A lecture, 1860;
  • Brief exposition of the third twenty-five psalms ..., 1860 (4th, complete ed. 1892);
  • Brief exposition of the fourth twenty-five psalms ..., 1864 (4th, complete ed. 1892);
  • The Word of the Lord to Christian Spouses, Parents, and Servants, 1867;
  • Brief exposition of the fifth twenty-five psalms ..., 1868 (4th, complete ed. 1892);
  • Brief exposition of the last twenty-five Psalms ..., 1869 (4th, complete ed. 1892);
  • “God's little fountain has water in abundance!” Sermons on free texts ..., 1872;
  • Passion and Easter sermons, 1873; A church year in sermons. From his estate, 1894;
  • The glory of God. Interpretation of Psalm 12, 46 a. 130 (complete and new ed. G. Helbig) 1938.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c German Literature Lexicon. The 20th century . tape 21 . De Gruyter, Berlin; New York; Boston 2001.
  2. a b c d e f Entry Emil Heinrich Taubes in the German biography
  3. ^ Official Journal of the Royal Government of Potsdam and the City of Berlin . 1846, p. 45 .