Emil von Melle

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Emil von Melle (born April 29, 1822 in Hamburg ; † January 17, 1891 there ) was a Hamburg merchant and senator.

Senator Emil von Melle with son Werner around 1856


Emil von Melle is the only son of the Lübeck- born businessman Theodor von Melle (1788–1850) and the banker's daughter Babette Victor from Posen . In 1850 he married Maria Geffcken, the daughter of Senator Heinrich Geffcken, whose obituary he also wrote for the Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie . Shortly after Melle's death, his son Werner von Melle first became Senate Secretary and later also Senator. The other son Erwin von Melle was an architect in Hamburg. His daughter Antonie was married to the President of the Citizenship and later Senator Otto Wilhelm Mönckeberg .


Melle grew up in Hamburg, he did a commercial apprenticeship, and was then sent abroad, where he worked for several years, first in London and then in New York . He returned to Hamburg in the early 1940s and joined his father's business. Melle first became a partner there in 1850 and became the owner after his father died that same year. Melle successfully continued his business until 1879.

From the beginning of the fifties of the nineteenth century Melle published in several Hamburg newspapers and he volunteered in Hamburg's local government. From 1863 to 1867 he was a member of the Hamburg parliament . In 1867 Melle also joined the National Liberal Party and in August 1867 gained a seat in the Reichstag of the North German Confederation .

Melle resigned both mandates when he was elected to the Hamburg Senate on December 9, 1867 for the retired Senator Frédéric de Chapeaurouge . Melle was a member of the Senate until he resigned for health reasons in December 1890.

Rudolph Roosen (1830–1907) was elected as his successor . In the Senate, Melle worked, among other things, in the bank deputation, where he negotiated as President with the Reich about the dissolution and integration of the Hamburg Bank into the Reichsbank . Melle served as President of the Construction Deputation from 1878 to 1884, his main task being to prepare and plan the construction activities for the customs connection buildings.

Individual evidence

  1. Bernd Haunfelder , Klaus Erich Pollmann : Reichstag of the North German Confederation 1867-1870. Historical photographs and biographical handbook (= photo documents on the history of parliamentarism and political parties. Volume 2). Droste, Düsseldorf 1989, ISBN 3-7700-5151-3 , photo p. 224, short biography p. 437.
  2. ^ Fritz Specht, Paul Schwabe: The Reichstag elections from 1867 to 1903. Statistics of the Reichstag elections together with the programs of the parties and a list of the elected representatives. 2nd Edition. Carl Heymann Verlag, Berlin 1904, p. 294.


  • Wilhelm Heyden : The members of the Hamburg citizenship. 1859-1862 , Hamburg 1909, p. 80

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