Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

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Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
Studio Splash Damage , id Software (Linux, Windows),
Aspyr Media (macOS),
Nerve Software (Xbox 360),
Z-Axis (PlayStation 3)
Publisher Activision
Windows September 28, 2007 September 28, 2007 October 2, 2007 Linux October 19, 2007 Mac March 18, 2008 PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 May 27, 2008 May 30, 2008
United StatesUnited States

United StatesUnited States

United StatesUnited States
platform Linux , macOS , Windows , PlayStation 3 , Xbox 360
Game engine id Tech 4
genre Ego shooter
Subject Science fiction
Game mode Single player , multiplayer
control Mouse , keyboard
system advantages
medium 1 DVD-ROM , download
language German, English, French, Spanish
Current version 1.5
copy protection Cd key
Age rating
USK approved from 16
PEGI recommended for ages 16+
information Anti-cheat tool : PunkBuster

The computer game Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (also Quake Wars , short: ET: QW ) is the successor to the free first-person shooter Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory , but takes place in the same universe as Quake II and Quake 4 . The gameplay is based on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory , but Enemy Territory: Quake Wars also features land and air vehicles. Furthermore, unlike Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory , Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is not free. The computer game was developed by Splash Damage for Windows XP and Windows Vista , using a modified version of the Doom 3 engine (id tech 4) and the MegaTexture technology.

Versions and platforms

As usual, id software programmer Timothee Besset created the downloadable patch and demo for Linux himself. Aspyr Media has released a version for macOS , Nerve Software took over the development for the Xbox 360 and Z-Axis the development for the PlayStation 3 . The PC version also offers a free demo with which one of the twelve playing cards can also be played online with other demo players. In addition to DVD, Quake Wars for PC is also distributed worldwide on Steam .

Game content

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is a class-based game. There are two teams: the GDF ( Global Defense Force ), which fights for humanity, and the Strogg, an alien force that is trying to invade Earth . There are five classes on both sides that fulfill different tasks and sometimes have different weapons.

To win, both teams must complete specific missions. One team is always in the position of the attacker, the other team accordingly in the position of the defender. If a team has successfully completed all of the main missions on a map , that team has won. In addition to the main missions, there are also side missions, such as B. Blowing gates that make it easier for a team to win. During the game, players can have new missions assigned to them by pressing the M key and scrolling through them.

Points (in Quake Wars also XP called from the term experience point , " experience needed ") you get for completing missions, the damage dealing or the effective use of its class skills. With XP, additional upgrades are unlocked in four categories: For the class currently being played, light weapons, vehicles and Battlesense (effectiveness of trading on the battlefield). The upgrades will be lost after the end of the game (or campaign). The collected XP is saved online for each player.

Differences between GDF and Strogg

The structure of the two teams is basically the same, but they also differ in some points.

Equipment and life energy

The GDF uses medicits and ammunition packs distributed by Medics and Field Ops, respectively.

The Strogg use a substance called "stroyent", which serves as both life energy and ammunition. You can (with a certain penalty) transform life energy and ammunition back and forth as you like. Stroyent can only be refilled by Technicians during combat .

Although the GDF and the Strogg use the same weapons in principle, there is one main difference in the use of the weapons. The GDF have a limited amount of ammunition with them and have to reload their weapons. The Strogg do not have to reload, but the weapons overheat with continuous fire.

The situation is similar with the vehicles that the teams have at their disposal. The Strogg vehicles are more highly technical than those of the GDF. They are better armored and offer more flexibility. However, the Strogg lack pure transport vehicles. For example, GDF has an Armadillo jeep or a Bumblebee transport helicopter .


All classes are essential for the respective side. In principle, the classes on both sides are identical, but they differ in terms of armament (the Strogg use futuristic plasma or laser weapons, the GDF conventional weapons) and the naming of the equipment.

Soldier (GDF) / Aggressor (Strogg)

The soldier or aggressor has the most hit points of all classes and is the only one who can equip himself with heavy weapons ( rocket launcher and machine gun ). It can also cause greater damage to armored vehicles and aircraft. He is also able to complete missions that require the installation of an explosive charge.

Medic / Technician

The GDF medic can heal his teammates and revive them instantly using his defibrillator. He can also request a supply box that GDF soldiers can use to heal and ammunition. The Strogg Technician can also heal his team members with the help of so-called Stroyent Cells , while the Stroyent Cells also serve as an ammunition supply. The technician can revive unconscious Strogg soldiers with his stroyent tool , but this takes a few seconds, which puts the technician at greater risk of being shot himself. The Stroyent tool may further be used to unconscious, GDF soldiers Stroyent to inject, making these to farmers are ( "Spawn Hosts"). This allows a Strogg soldier to spawn at that very spot . However, medics can destroy these spawn hosts with their defibrillator, although the former GDF soldier is not revived.

Engineer / Constructor

This class can request various guns ( deployables ) (anti-personnel gun, anti-vehicle gun, anti-artillery gun), lay mines, repair vehicles and guns, and perform certain missions, such as building bridges or towers . He is also able to defuse enemy charges.

Field ops / oppressor

Both classes can call in different artillery pieces that carry out indirect, offensive attacks. The Artillery Cannon / Rail Howitzer fire a series of projectiles that randomly hit the greater area of ​​the selected area. Hammer Launcher / Dark Matter Cannon cause a single large explosion in the target area and the Rocket Artillery / Plasma Mortar can be locked onto vehicles and guns so that they automatically track their target. However, these can be stopped by an anti-artillery gun from the engineer or constructor. The airstrike of the field ops or the violator of the oppressor, which also cause extensive damage , cannot be stopped , but must be requested by the respective soldier very close to the target area using a target marker, whereby the field ops / oppressor can be more exposed to enemy fire .

Covert Ops / Infiltrator

The Covert Ops or Infiltrator can hack enemy guns and radars, which deactivates them for 60 seconds, if the guns are hacked further, they lose 50% of their life points (they are permanently defective without repair). With the help of his EMP / scrambler grenades, he is also able to deactivate enemy vehicles or deployables for 30 seconds. Both can assume the identity of a fallen enemy, which allows them to sneak into the enemy base very easily, as anti-personnel guns do not recognize the camouflage either. The Covert Ops or Infiltrator can also position a wide-area radar during combat. The Covert Ops has a smoke gas cartridge for concealment and a camera with an explosive charge, the infiltrator has a short-range teleporter and a detonable remote-controlled flying drone.


There are a total of 12 playable maps, with the GDF being the attacking team seven times. There are between three and four tasks to be completed per card, which can usually only be mastered by a certain class. The cards Sewer and Valley could already be played in the public beta versions of ETQW. There are three cards in each campaign:

  • North America Campaign: Valley, Outskirts and Area 22
  • Pacific Campaign: Canyon, Sewer and Volcano
  • Africa campaign: Refinery, Slipgate and Iceland
  • North Europe Campaign: Quarry, The Ark and Salvage

Game modes

Quake Wars includes a total of three game modes:

  • Objective : A card is played. If the attacking team completes all missions, it wins. If at least one mission is not completed, the defending team wins. After a team has won, the experience points (XP) they have accumulated are reset.
  • Campaign : All three cards of a campaign are played one after the other. As with Objective, there is a winner on each card, with the overall victory going to the team that won the most cards. The XP collected by the individual players is retained throughout the entire campaign and is only reset after all three cards have been played.
  • Stopwatch : A card is played twice in a row, with the attacking and defending team alternating after the first round. Ultimately, the team that completes all the missions on the map fastest wins. If no team manages to complete all missions, the map ends in a draw.


The MegaTexture technology developed by John Carmack is a texture mapping technique that can be used to make a map much more realistic. This is done using a total of 1 Giga pixel texture, which u. a. Repetitions in landscape design can be avoided.


The average rating of the German-language magazines is 83%.


  • GameStar : 79% - "Conclusion: Action-packed online shooting without team spirit."
  • PC Action : 9 out of 10 - "For me, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is the new multiplayer genre reference!"
  • PC PowerPlay : 90% - "Even if there is no real revolution: Quake Wars sets the bar in the field of team shooters very high."

Online magazines

  • 4Players : 77% - "A fun, fast shooter that unfortunately tries to combine two game variants."
  • EuroGamer.net : 8 out of 10
  • GamePro US  : 90% and Editor's Choice Award
  • Games Radar US : 90%
  • GameSpot : 8.5 out of 10 - "Quake Wars' strong shooting model and focused objectives make it a lot of fun to play."
  • Gameswelt .de: 83% - “Anyone who expects a new 'Battlefield' in the 'Quake' guise will be disappointed. However, if you are into fast-paced battles without compromise, you should strike "

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. PunkBuster for Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars punkbuster.com
  2. Average rating based on 28 reviews on critify.de as of June 20, 2008
  3. Test: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars by Daniel Matschijewsky on September 26, 2007 on gamestar.de
  4. "Prepare to die, suckers!" ( Memento of the original from October 11, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. by Christian Gürnth on September 28, 2007 on pcaction.de @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.pcaction.de
  5. PC PowerPlay 10/2007 tests ( memento of October 14, 2007 in the Internet Archive ), reproduced on spieletipps.de , as of September 22, 2007
  6. ^ Test report by Paul Kautz on 4players.de
  7. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Review by Rob Fahey on September 28, 2007 on eurogamer.net
  8. Review: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars by Tae Kim on October 1, 2007 on gamepro.com
  9. "What did you do in the Strogg war, Daddy?" By Jim Rossignol on September 27, 2007 on gamesradar.com
  10. Review by Kevin VanOrd on September 28, 2007 on gamespot.com
  11. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Review by André Linken on October 1, 2007 on gameswelt.de