Erich Hasse

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Erich Hasse (born October 31, 1897 in Koberwitz , Wroclaw district ; † May 3, 1945 in Munich ) was a German civil servant and National Socialist politician.


After attending elementary school and the humanistic grammar school in Oels , Hasse entered the Prussian civil service in 1916. In 1917/18 he fought in the First World War on the Western Front in the Reserve Field Artillery Regiment No. 62, then until July 1919 in the Silesian Freikorps , including the Border Guard East . He received the Iron Cross II. Class and the Silesian Eagle II. Class.

After the end of the war, Hasse joined the Deutschvölkischer Schutz- und Trutzbund .

In 1924 he became a district inspector at the Reichenbach district office , where he became a member of the district council and the city council in 1929; in the same year he was transferred to Stade . 1929 also marks the year he joined the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP).

In 1930 Hasse became government inspector in Buchholz in the Stade administrative region , then in Ebstorf . In the same year he became district leader for the NSDAP district of Lower Elbe and SA brigad leader of the Gausturm Ost-Hannover. In 1930/31 the government carried out a disciplinary matter and dismissed him for work in the NSDAP.

In the Reichstag election in September 1930 , Hasse was elected to the Reichstag for the NSDAP , where he represented constituency 15 (East Hanover). In July 1932 he was re-elected. In 1932 he also found employment with the government of Lüneburg .

In 1933, Hasse became a bailiff in Stade, then in the same year district administrator in Otterndorf . He remained in this office until 1939 when he retired.


  • Henning Müller: Erich Hasse. In: Jan Lokers, Heike Schlichting (Ed.): Life courses between the Elbe and Weser. A biographical lexicon , Vol. II, Stade 2010, ISBN 978-3-931879-46-4 , pp. 124-128.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Date of death according to Wilhelm Heinz Schröder : BIORAB-Online