Ernst-Albrecht Hildebrandt

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Ernst-Albrecht Hildebrandt (born May 31, 1895 in Offstein ; † March 28, 1970 in Nuremberg ) was a German police president and SS and Police Leader (SSPF) at the time of National Socialism , most recently with the rank of SS Oberführer .


Ernst Hildebrandt was the son of the ceramic manufacturer Albert Hildebrandt (1866-1939) and his wife Margareta Christina Dost († 1927). Richard Hildebrandt was his younger brother.

After attending grammar school in 1914, Ernst passed his Abitur and entered the 117 Infantry Regiment in August 1914 and from May 1915 took part in combat operations with the Westphalian Infantry Regiment No. 56 . From February 1917 to November 1919 he was a British prisoner of war. Dismissed from the army with the rank of first lieutenant , he was initially employed as a commercial clerk from 1920 to 1925, then as an "auditor at the Mosaic and Wall Panel Association in Berlin" until 1928 and then ran a trade until 1931.

Politically, he was active in the Bund Wiking from 1922 to 1923 and was a member of the NSDAP during the same period and was involved in the Hitler putsch in Coburg in November 1923 as a battalion adjutant . At the beginning of February 1932 he joined the SS (SS No. 25.517) and at the same time worked full-time for the SD in Bavaria , Baden , Württemberg , Palatinate and Thuringia as an enemy intelligence officer. After the handover of power to the National Socialists , he rejoined the NSDAP at the beginning of May 1933 ( membership number 1.664.468) and from that point on worked again as an auditor at the Mosaic and Wall Panel Association in Berlin.

From April to August 1937 Hildebrandt headed the SD-Oberabschnitt Süd in Munich and then took over the executive post of police director in Hof until July 1940 . For an unknown reason, party court proceedings and SS disciplinary proceedings were initiated against him in 1938, but these were discontinued. Hildebrandt was police chief in Dessau from July 1940 until the end of the war , but was temporarily released from this post. In June 1942 he was assigned to the SS infantry replacement battalion "East" of the Waffen-SS in Breslau and was then a member of the Jeckeln combat group until the beginning of September 1942 . Subsequently, he was first employed as a company commander and later as a division adjutant in the 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division "Prinz Eugen" and at the end of August 1943 he changed as head of the Waffen-SS staff at the Higher SS and Police Leader (HSSPF) Russia- South Hans-Adolf Prützmann . From the beginning of April 1944 to October 1944 he was SS and Police Leader Northern Italy Central with his official seat in Bologna . Then he left the Waffen SS.

Hildebrandt's SS ranks appointment
SS-Sturmbannführer April 1937
SS-Obersturmbannführer November 1938
SS standard leader January 1941
SS-Oberführer April 1944

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Joachim Lilla: Hildebrandt, Ernst-Albrecht . In: ders .: Minister of State, senior administrative officials and (NS) functionaries in Bavaria from 1918 to 1945 .