Ernst Christoph von Koppelow

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Detail from the epitaph of EC von Koppelow in the Ivenack church

Ernst Christoph von Koppelow (born November 11, 1659 , † June 23, 1721 in Ivenack ) was a Privy Councilor and the Mecklenburg manor owner. He was responsible for the reconstruction of Ivenack Castle and Ivenack Church in the early 18th century.


Koppelow was the owner of the goods Bakendorf , Gammelin , Vietzen and Kadelübbe in the knighthood of Wittenburg, which were among the preferred hunting grounds of the Mecklenburg Duke Friedrich Wilhelm (I) (1675–1713) near his residence. In 1709 Friedrich Wilhelm urged him to sign an exchange contract, through which Koppelow received the ducal office of Ivenack with the associated courtyards Bauhof , Zolkendorf , Fahrenholz , Krummensee , Goddin , Basepohl and Wackerow in exchange for his previous possessions . The documents testify that Koppelow only entered the barter with a heavy heart. There was once a Cistercian convent in Ivenack, which was secularized by the Mecklenburg dukes. As a result, a ducal office and a mansion arose there, but these were devastated in the Thirty Years War and had not been restored by the time the barter was signed. The contract therefore also included a compensation payment of 5000 thalers for the construction of a new manor house .

Koppelow arranged for the reconstruction of Ivenack Castle and the Ivenack Church , which also houses his epitaph, created by Heinrich Johann Bülle in 1721 .


He was married to Juliane von Francke , daughter of the Privy Councilor Christian von Francke († 1697). The couple had no children. Through this marriage he came into possession of the Bakendorfer goods, which he exchanged for Ivenack in 1709. After his death, his widow Helmuth von Plessen married , which means that the Ivenack estate came into the possession of the von Plessen family.

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