European Translator Award Offenburg

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The European Translator Award Offenburg is an international literature award for literary translators . It was donated in equal parts by the City of Offenburg and the Hubert Burda Foundation in 2005 and has been awarded every two years since 2006.


The Offenburg European Translator Prize is intended to honor outstanding achievements in the field of literary translation from German into another European or from another European into German. The award sees itself "especially as a funding instrument to break down cultural barriers ... [and] cultural exchange in the spirit of European understanding."

The main prize is endowed with 15,000 euros, the winner of the sponsorship or discovery prize, determined by the respective main prize winner, receives 5,000 euros.

Finding committee

The selection committee determines the country of the respective award year, the juror for the main award and the keynote speaker. It is made up of personalities from literary life and representatives of the city of Offenburg. In 2016, she included, among others: Edith Schreiner , Ragni Maria Gschwend , Michael Krüger , Ilma Rakusa and Klaus Reichert .

Award winners

Jurors, laudators, keynote speakers

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Presentation on the occasion of the 2006 award