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General and classification
other names

IMA 1984-022

chemical formula Cr 3 Fe 1 − x (x ~ 0.6)
Mineral class
(and possibly department)
Elements - metals and intermetallic alloys
System no. to Strunz
and to Dana
1.AE.15 ( 8th edition : I / A.06)
Crystallographic Data
Crystal system cubic
Crystal class ; symbol m 3 m
Space group Pm 3 m
Lattice parameters a  = 2.882  Å
Formula units Z  = 1
Physical Properties
Mohs hardness 6.5
Density (g / cm 3 ) 6.18
Cleavage is missing
colour gray-white metallic
Line color Please complete!
transparency opaque
shine Metallic luster
magnetism ferromagnetic

Ferchromide is a very rare mineral from the mineral class of elements, more precisely that of metals and intermetallic compounds . It crystallizes in the cubic crystal system with the chemical formula Cr 3 Fe 1 − x , where x is ~ 0.6. Ferchromide forms small, light-gray grains with a metallic sheen, which aggregate into aggregates a few hundred micrometers in size.

Special properties

Because of the iron it contains, the mineral is ferromagnetic .

Etymology and history

The mineral was first found in 1986 by MI Novgorodowa, AI Gorshkov, NW Trubkin, AI Tsepin and MT Dmitrieva in the type locality in the Urals . The name is derived from the elements iron and chromium involved, more precisely its Latin form ferrum .


In the Strunz system, ferchromide is classified among metals and intermetallic compounds. While in the 8th edition it forms the chromium series (I / A.6) together with chromium, chromium feride , titanium and tungsten , it is classified differently from the ninth edition . There the mineral, together with chromium feride and wairauite, forms a subgroup of the iron-chromium group.

In the systematics of minerals according to Dana , it forms a group with the likewise cubic crystallizing minerals chromium and chromium feride.

Education and Locations

Ferchromide formed in quartz veins that are located in breccias of amphiboles or slate . It is associated with iron, copper , bismuth , gold , chromium feride , graphite , cohenite , halite , sylvin , marialite and quartz.

So far only one site is known, the type locality Kumak 110 kilometers east of Orsk in the southern Urals.

Crystal structure

Ferchromide crystallizes in the cubic crystal system in the space group with the lattice parameter a = 2.882  Å and one formula unit per unit cell .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k FC Hawthorne et al .: New Mineral Names - Ferchromide . In: The American Mineralogist . tape 73 , 1988, pp. 191 ( PDF ).
  2. ^ List of minerals according to Dana at webmineral.com
  3. Localization of the location in mindat.org


  • Ferchromid in: Anthony et al .: Handbook of Mineralogy , 1990, 1, 101 ( pdf )

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