Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg

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Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg (* 23. October 1823 in Good Brunlaug at Frederiksværn ; † 11. August 1907 in Christiania ) was a captain and commander and instructor in the Austrian imperial Navy and in the Norwegian Navy operates.


Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg was a son of Frederik Wilhelm "Fritz" Wedel-Jarlsberg (1787–1863), Norwegian Landdrost and owner of Gut Brunlaug near Larvik, and of Ingeborg Margrethe "Bolly" von Haffner (1793–1845). His six brothers included the shipyard director and court marshal Finn Fredrik Wedel-Jarlsberg (1815-1901) and court marshal Frederik Joachim "Fritz" Wedel-Jarlsberg (1819-1880), who participated in the French-Moroccan War in 1844 and in the battle of Eckernförde in 1849 as a Norwegian naval officer temporarily in French service and contributed to Ludwig von Henk's book Zur See . His sister Hildur (1814–1901) was the wife of the Hanoverian country drover Carl Detlev Marschalck von Bachtenbrock .

Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg was born with Clementine Wilhelmine. Countess von Wedel-Jarlsberg married, a daughter of the Oldenburg minister Friedrich Wilhelm von Wedel (1798–1872). The marriage produced the daughters Berta Ingeborg (1856–1875) and Althild Clara (1859–1944) and the farmer and consulate secretary Georg Wilhelm (1865–1935).

Professional activities

Military career

Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg served, initially from 1835 as a midshipman, in the Norwegian-Swedish Navy and was promoted to Secondløytnant on August 8, 1842. In 1848/49 he was a volunteer in the Danish Navy and was involved in the battle of Eckernförde and the sea ​​battle near Heligoland , among other things .

The Danish naval officer Hans Birch Dahlerup was brought to Austria by Emperor Franz Joseph I in 1849 to reform and expand the Austrian navy. Dahlerup was appointed Vice Admiral and Commander of the Austro-Hungarian Navy and caught up with some Scandinavian compatriots. He appointed two of them, Erik af Klint ( Sweden ) and Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg ( Norway ), as commanders. Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg was in the rank of lieutenant captain for 1 ½ years in the Austro-Hungarian Navy (January 1850 to June 1851), but later also played a key role in the development of the Austrian Navy.

Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg's task was the urgently needed training of the cadet candidates. Among other things, he was responsible for the training of Wilhelm von Tegetthoff (then ensign and from July 1850 on the Titania ). For this purpose, Wedel-Jarlsberg also commanded the teaching training ship ( corvette ) Titania .

After his return to Norway in 1851, he was also promoted to the Norwegian Navy. On December 6, 1854 he became 1st lieutenant (Premierløytnant), on June 2, 1863 lieutenant captain (Kapitänløytnant), on October 1st, 1875 frigate captain 2nd class (Kommandørkaptein 2nd kl = corvette captain ) and on August 18, 1882 frigate captain 1st Class (Kommandørkaptein 1st class). 1894 to 1895 he was chief of the naval shipyard in Trondheim and the naval district. On December 3, 1896, Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg applied for his retirement and retired on January 1, 1897.

Other activities

After serving in the Austro-Hungarian Navy on the Adriatic Sea in 1851, Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg returned to Norway, worked in the herring fishery and from 1853 to 1859 was the captain of various mail ships, then of merchant ships (e.g. the steamer Rjukan and the brig State bike Erichesen ). In 1869 he was in command of the Norwegian training ship Desideria and in 1873 the corvette Nornen . From 1874 to 1876 he was in the cabinet of the Naval Secretary in Stockholm as a member of the Signal Commission. Member of the Norwegian Supreme Court for Maritime Affairs and the Naval Revision Commission (1885-1892) in 1882 . He also held various offices in his hometown of Frederiksværn and was an examiner for seamanship in the Oslo district (then called Christiania ).

Different spelling of the name

A source for the activity of Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg in Austrian service is the book by Dahlerup, who does not mention his first name. Wedel-Jarlsberg's first name was mentioned variously as Otto or as Wendelin .

Control compass

Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg had invented a control compass. For this he was granted an exclusive privilege for three years by the Ministry of Commerce in Vienna on August 2, 1858.


By Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg

Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg translated teaching aids on seamanship from Norwegian into German, which then formed the basis for training cadets in the Austro-Hungarian Navy. His work: Instructions for Sea Science containing the theory, the maneuvers and various measures and work on board was widely used as a standard work and was published at least in 1855 in Hamburg and in 1877 in Christiania.

Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg is said to have published other writings, such as B .:

  • Foredrag om Navigasjonsloven og Forandringer i samme , 1855,
  • Calendar over the kongelige norske Marines Officerer og Emedsmænd med flere , 1857,
  • Reports on trips with the corvette Ømen (1858 - 1859) and
  • Norns (1873).
  • Beskrivelse av Corrections-Compasset , 1880 (patent specification ).

About Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg

  • Hans Birch Freiherr von Dahlerup: In Austrian service. 2 volumes. Edited from the estate by Joost Freiherrn von Dahlerup. Translated from the Danish manuscript by Marie Herzfeld . Meyer & Jessen, Berlin 1911–1912.
  • Hildur Freifrau von Marschalck: A Norwegian on German soil. Memories of Baroness Hildur Marschalck geb. Freiin Wedel-Jarlsberg 1812–1866. , Martin Warneck: 1913.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Wilhelm M. Donko: Baron Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg, a Norwegian naval officer in Austrian service , Austrian military magazine, edition 04/2019, p. 450.
  2. Hamburg 1892, in several editions.
  3. a b Wilhelm M. Donko: Baron Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg, a Norwegian naval officer in Austrian service , Austrian military magazine, edition 04/2019, p. 457.
  4. a b Wilhelm M. Donko: Baron Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg, a Norwegian naval officer in Austrian service , Austrian Military Journal, issue 04/2019, pp. 448, 454 ff.
  5. ^ Wilhelm M. Donko: Baron Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg, a Norwegian naval officer in Austrian service , Austrian Military Journal, issue 04/2019, p. 452.
  6. ^ A b Wilhelm M. Donko: Baron Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg, a Norwegian naval officer in Austrian service , Austrian military magazine, edition 04/2019, p. 456.
  7. Peter Handel-Mazzetti, Hans Hugo Sokol in: Wilhelm von Tegetthoff: A great Austrian , Linz on the Danube 1952, Upper Austrian state publisher.
  8. ^ Heinz Christ: History of the KK Kriegsmarine during the years 1850 - 1866 , III. Part, Volume 2, p. 252.
  9. ^ Wilhelm M. Donko: Baron Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg, a Norwegian naval officer in Austrian service , Austrian Military Journal, issue 04/2019, p. 449 and footnote 4.
  10. ^ Wilhelm M. Donko: Baron Ferdinand Julius Wedel-Jarlsberg, a Norwegian naval officer in Austrian service , Austrian Military Journal, issue 04/2019, p. 453.